UM Club of Greater Chicago Scholarship

<p>I received an email inviting me to apply for this scholarship and I was just wondering if anyone has any experience applying/receiving this scholarship. I am obviously going to apply but was just curious about it!</p>


<p>I do not have experience with the greater Chicago UM Alumni Club, but last year my son applied for and was awarded one of the 17 scholarships given by the UM Club of Grand Rapids (MI). The UM Club of Grand Rapids is one of the largest UM alumni clubs in the US and is extremely generous with their scholarships. Last year, for instance, they awarded 17 4-year scholarships of $3,500/year. And, if their endowment grows and the scholarship awards go up in value, students winners already enrolled at UM are then also awarded the increased amount. They are an extremely generous, professional, dedicated group of UM people. It was a nice process with an awards dinner for all of the recipients. I hope the UM Club of Greater Chicago is run as well as our local West Michigan chapter. Good luck to you!</p>