UM deferral for EA

Deferred for EA:

Starting a thread for deferral… a collection of stats to see.


32 ACT, 4.4 W GPA, Tons of ECs, Volunteerism.

D 4.23W 3.9UW 31 ACT

32 ACT, 4.3-ish gpa

I’m sorry for you guys, you all look like you have high stats and should have been admitted, when others with lower stats were admitted. Good luck to you all

You guys have a common theme of lower GPAs which matter more than test scores, so that would be my guess.

@Samsal I wouldn’t exactly say 4.0s are “lower GPAs”

@strafed No one in this forum who has been deferred has above a 4.4 weighted GPA which indicated the rigor of courses taken. Idk if I’m correct, it’s just my best guess on why they were deferred.

@Samsal all schools calculate gpa differently. at mine a 4.4 is the highest grade possible. Nobody here got deferred because “their 4.4 is too low.” So many students now a days have inflated gpas but cant back it up with the scores (4.6+ with like 1200s or 26s), but everyone in this thread has a very strong gpa and test scores. Essays, ecs, demonstrated interest and recs are likely more viable contributing factors

how about schools? I applied to engineering.