UM for Premed

<p>How is UMich for a premed? Are intro. classes major weed out classes? Are A's 'easy' in these classes (how hard is it to ace these classes?.....get A's in them). How are the teachers and how well does a UM education prep you for the MCAT? Also, how many UM students get into UM med school?</p>

<p>Also, what would it take a Canadian (Ontario) to get into UMich (SATs, GPA). </p>

<p>Thanks. Go Blue!</p>

<p>most of my friends there say that intro pre-med classes are major weedout</p>

<p>I agree with collegeboard_guy. Umich has a lot of premed students from all colleges. Alot of the intro courses are really difficult, especially since all those courses are filled with pre-med or students needing those courses for majors. But, in a sense the upper level classes are easier to do better in.</p>

<p>Dpes UMich publish any stats about their premeds applying to med school? (like a chart with MCAT and GPA and acceptance rate, etc.?)</p>

<p>…Also, if people could answer the q’s in post no.1 that would be great.</p>

<p>EDIT: NVM, i found the stats, but could people still answer the other q’s I posted in post 1 pls.?</p>

<p>How is UMich for a premed?</p>

<p>it’s…good, what is not? lol</p>

<p>^Well, I know UMich’s academics are top tier, but what I meant in particular were the huge intro. sci classes, the TAs and the ‘bad’ of the premed experience at UMich. Are those negative aspects REALLY bad or are they manageable?</p>

<p>I highly recommend the SLC study groups, which are available for most, if not all, pre-med classes.</p>