UM students acceptance rate in Med schools ?

<p>Does any one knows how many students from UM get accepted in Med schools across USA.
e.g if 200 applied then how many really get accepted. like 85% or 75%.. Not to Caribbean Schools though.</p>

<p>I do know that UM Miller school of Med accept ~45-50 students from UM.</p>

<p>I believe around 43%, idk if that includes for DO schools</p>

<p>Thats pretty low as compare to other schools with same Academics…
How you find this info ?</p>

<p>I heard when I went to one of their big info sessions that it was around 50%.</p>

<p>That shows me they are not weeding out students and let everyone apply, some of the top 30 Schools dont give out Recommendation Letters or have Weeder classes to discourage Students to apply to Med Schools, They think those students are not going to make it and its going to reflect on their School Stats… </p>

<p>I read on some Schools boards that ~75% of students who declare their Major as Pre-Med change it in first 2 Yrs in College.</p>

<p>I guess the question to ask is if a Student has a GPA of 3.5 or greater and MCAT of 32+ were they accepted or not.
Plus EC, Research, Internships plays a lot in the final Interviews…</p>

<p>I have that info bc I just graduated :(, but that is the case, if you have the recommendation letter grades which are higher, its like 56% acceptance, nationally its lke 40%, but more importantly many kids will switch and drop out during basic sciences, 3.75 GPA 33 MCAT, 10+ interviews, 2 acceptances so far</p>

<p>@homerunnermhs Congratulations on your Acceptances, you have great Scores. I am sure you will get more acceptances if you already have 10+ Interviews. Did you apply to Miller School also, they told us that Miller School normally accept ~45 Students from UM itself. I think Florida Med Schools must accept more students from their own State… </p>

<p>Did UM gives out Committee Recommendations or they individual recommendations from each professors…?
I heard that Dr. Dan DiResta recommendation counts a lot at Miller.
Does being in PRISM and Honors Program Helps in getting admission to Med School or not.</p>

<p>@dadfor2014‌ ?Yes i did apply, interview, and got waitlisted at Miller, which I am ok about. Miller does prefer its own students, with about 40-50 coming from UM, but remember a good handful 10-15 are part of the 7 year joint degree program. Getting the interview is the hardest part with only 4-10% getting an interview slot, but Miami does prepare you. All state schools, which Miami is not, have to accept more instate, but Miller does seem to accept a lot of FL kids regardless.</p>

<p>For letters of Rec, you collect 4-6 from teachers and professionals in your life, the pre med committee than assembles the “committee rec” which is like a summary of you and the other letters. If you are not strong stat wise, you probably will not opt for the committee rec bc they wouldn’t support you, i think its like a 1-5 scale, 5 being the best rec from the pre med committee. That is why those who get letter from the committee have higher acceptances, bc by virtue they have higher stats.</p>

<p>Also, PRISM and honors plays little to NONE bearing on your app, the hit it could have on your gpa, bc of a little more work, does not outweigh “prestige” factor you think it provides. Better to just crush it in the regular classes IMO, bc most schools will not care or know about PRISM or any other program. What really do care about is GPa>MCAT>>>EC’s</p>

<p>Hope that answers a lot! any more questions im here to help.</p>

<p>^^ Thanks for your answers it helps a lot…</p>