UMass Amherst Class of 2027 EA thread

My son didn’t get an email either. He applied for Sports Management in Isenberg. I wondered where that is a harder school to get into if that’s why it’s taking longer?

Either that, or they just like to drag things on.

In all honesty, though, I think that the first week will be released this upcoming week (week of 12/12)


my son applied to sports management in Eisenberg too… havent heard anything yet! :weary:

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Best of wishes to your son as well. Please let me know if you hear anything. We are very anxious to find out when decisions will be released.

The wait is getting long. No sign of the first batch of releases !! Do they notify or does one just keep checking their emails ?


Apparently, in years past, they have sent an email a couple days prior to releasing the first wave of notifications. My son hasn’t received anything yet though.

The email went out last week, on Friday. And I believe it was meant to reach all students as the UMass Admissions IM account stated in their comment section that the email was to go out. So, if you haven’t received it yet, I would double-check that the email the University has on file for your child is correct and maybe set a rule in their email to receive UMass Amherst emails. In terms of the wait, this time frame (early to mid-Dec) has historically been the time when they release the first wave. I would guess it comes out this week. Good luck to all our children! They have worked so hard to get to this point.


they just responded to someone’s question on instagram saying that the first wave of EA will be released before the holidays! some of us should be hearing back any day now


So could be this week or next week

They said the same thing to a different person’s comment last week or the week before.


does anyone know how big the waves are? like are they equal or do most come out later in january?

Last year, the first wave was 5700 decisions


out if how many ea applicants?

Here is a link to their post with all info:


Ugh so they are late this year!

Usually they release on Wednesday or Thursday?

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They are late this year for sure. Last year they had 3 waves in December. December 7, 14 and 21st and then next wave on Jan 11th. I wanted to share this so people don’t go back and forward on this topic while waiting for the first wave to start.


yeah, they’re really late. I still haven’t heard anything (i applied EA as an in-state bio major)

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Hopefully it will be at least 2 waves 12/14 and 12/21 then!

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In 2019, I don’t remember whether there was a wave this week or not–but definitely it was by next week. (So, I don’t think it’s necessarily late this year, just later than it was last year, if that makes sense.) Good luck to everyone!