UMiami Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

I assuming that those who have the financial aid update, also applied for financial aid correct? We did not, so I’m not sure if we would see this option.

Does anyone actually see the financial aid award? What do you see?

if you click on “view financial aid” on the right-hand side it takes you to download this Duo Security app, then to the financial assistance portal which just has a list of documents. it doesn’t actually show the financial aid award (at least for me) but says “Award packages for the 2021-2022 academic year will become available at different times depending on your career and classification”

CAn you guys please cahnce me. I freaking out.
I’m an international student studying the A-Level curriculum.
→ I have a 4.0/4.0 UW GPA
→ I come #35 out of 950 (maybe 1200 students- not too sure due to recent expansion) students at my high school
→ SAT got a 1360.
→ Predicted 3A* at A-Level (Mathematics, Econ, Business)
→ Wasn’t allowed to partake in extracurriculars due to some reasons but tried my best to pursue those things which I’m interested in. I know they are extremely unorthodox and probably have no weightage in the eyes of the admissions officers.

Started my own Charity (Unofficial- Doesn’t have a name and isn’t registered yet)
Became a self-taught forex and stocks trader and also teach trading- to help my father financially and to pay for the charity.
took care of my grandparents on a regular basis.
tutored my younger cousin
was the captain of 3 business competitions
Am an unofficial fitness trainer and nutritionist
Am a micro Instagram influencer- make my own content/earn some money too.
Miscellaneous activities/hobbies- participated in a couple of badminton tournaments at my club, frequently paint/draw, etc
→ I also faced certain extenuating circumstances because of which I got mediocre O-Level results and because of which I was also not allowed to participate in ECAs.
→ financial aid needed

The main thing is I’ve been rejected from Fordham so I don’t have any hope left at all for Miami.

hey dude, you are extremely accomplished. one college decision isnt gonna change ur other ones. believe in urself u got this.

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the thing is mate fordham was my safety. I got rejected from it which makes me believe receiving an acceptance from UMiami is impossible.

is there a green dot for anyoone anywhere?

Where’s the green dot located?

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Don’t worry too much, you might’ve been rejected from Fordham because of aid, not because of ur stats since u seem accomplished

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Thanks. I see that

thank you so much. But realistically speaking Miami isnt any better off than Fordham in terms of intl FA.

Has anyone contacted the admissions office to confirm decisions being released tomorrow?

Please don’t bother calling admissions. They’re just going to say, ‘by April 1st.’ And it pulls them away from their main task, which is to finalize and release decisions.


Did anyone’s admission counsellor disappear? Just realised my admission counsellor’s profile and picture disappeared… is it the same for u guys?

I don’t have one, but i read last years thread and there was apparently green dots and if u had one u got waitlisted or denied

Where even is the green dot? I don’t see one on my portal.

Mind linking the post? Or are there any clues to where the green dot might be?

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apparently last year at the bottom there was a green dot that said “complete.” i don’t have one, it’s probably not the same this year


Ohhh ok thanks! I’ll check and see if I have it (hopefully not lol)

Do you know where on the bottom it would be? Like does that mean bottom of the one or bottom of the of the application checklist?

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