UMiami ED2 Class of 2025

Will be doing the same here.

Run the school’s net price calculator to get a cost estimate. Note the NPC may not be accurate if parents are divorced, own a business, or own real estate beyond a primary home.

If a school is not affordable upon receipt of the fin aid package, that is the only acceptable reason to back out of the ED contract. But, run the NPC ahead of time, because neither you nor the school want to get accepted and then not be able to afford the school.

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Thank you

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Does anyone know if you can (or should) change majors when changing to ED2? Ive read different people say that you could or could not. No idea if it might help or not.

Thank you

I haven’t done research on this or heard anyone talk about it but in my opinion I don’t think it would make a difference, or at least I don’t see why it should.

When do you guys think we will hear back? This Friday, maybe next?

Do you think they gave all of the deferrals the option to go ED2? If so how could they possibly review all of those as well as people who already chose ED2 instead of EA? If decisions come out mid February that would be roughly February 12th, the same day our decision to accept is due???

I pulled the Common Data Set from last year and it looks like only 1,564 applied any type of ED and they accepted 755. I would have thought many many more would have applied ED.

If some prospective students committed to ED2 on January 1st, shouldn’t they receive priority over those switching to ED2 now? I mean they committed this intent on Jan 1. Makes no sense how a new pool who got deferred on EA could be seen in the same light. Just saying.

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As someone who switched to ED2 after being deferred, I agree completely. My guess is that they already have decisions made for the first pool of ED2 kids, leaving room for the second round they knew they were going to have. So maybe 75% of ED2 will be first round kids, and the 25% will come from the second pool. Purely a guess, but there’s no way they haven’t started reviewing and deciding on the first round yet

Nooo! The application for switching isn’t even due until February 12 - then they’ll have to re-review the applications that switched. I’d plan on last Friday of February, the 26th.

From what I’m hearing everyone got the option, which is weird to me also. The prospective timeline is mid to late February, and I’d place my bets on the last friday of february.

agreed 100%. If I had to guess I’d say they reviewed majority of Ed2 ppl who committed by Jan 1. I think since they already reviewed the EA ppl, they know who they would take ED2 in addition. I cannot be certain, but just a thought!

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I really hope we hear back a week from this Friday! Keep in mind the admissions office saw and reviewed all EA apps already so…

True! I wonder if when going through applications, they also wrote down if they were to apply ED2, if they would be accepted or not. So they like already have our decisions. Scary!

You’re right, and I would agree with you, but I don’t think it would be a week from this Friday since that’s the 12th, and that’s when the switch is due. So if applicants have until midnight on the 12th there’s no way they can release decisions, ya know? Probably will be the 19th or 26th

Yeah, I agree with you. You poise valid points no doubt. I hope we hear Feb 12th lol, but prob not. I will say that I think they might have made a note on EA deferrals regarding their acceptance if they were 2 to switch to EDII. Makes a lot of sense.

Just saw on UMAdmission’s Instagram that they’re having an admitted student open house on February 13th… Interesting to me that that is the day after our switch is due. I assume they would want ED2 kids to be part of the open house, because why wouldn’t they delay it to the end of February? Gets me thinking, what if we get our decisions Feb 12 after all? But I just don’t understand how we would receive it if it’s also due that day

Any idea how many EA kids got deferred? Seems like a lot. Alison wonder how many decided to go to ED2.
