UMiami ED2 Class of 2025

Honestly mine are really bad but hey I still got admitted for spring:

1 AP and 1 Honor class
GPA 3.5 Weighted
Football Freshman year and Baseball Sophomore Year
100 Hours of Volunteer Service
Pretty good Essay
Part time job during summers

Also I went to a pretty selective High School/Academy in Austin, TX. So that might account for something…

Son was accepted for Fall 2021. No merit. 3.5 GPA, 32 ACT, private school in Virginia. A couple of honors and one AP.

Wow! Congrats!! :slight_smile:

Do merit scholarships come out later?

Accepted!!! could not be happier

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That’s awesome! Congrats…do you mind me asking if you applied for aid?

Congrats to everyone who got in! Hope to see you @ the U next year!!

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Yea I applied for aid since I’m low income…

If anyone feels comfortable sharing their stats, it would be much appreciated!! Congrats to all :slight_smile:

3.5 uw, 3.8 w, test optional, really good ecs and really well-written essays. I am OOS and did not apply for income. admitted fall 2021

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Here are my stats:
3.4 GPA
1 AP Class
1 IB Class
4 Honors Classes
No SATs and no ACTs

  • 5 clubs
  • Worked and volunteered on four occasions
  • 3 Varsity Sports
  • Exchange student for a year

Congrats guys!

3.9 UW GPA, 4 AP, 12 Honors, test optional, leadership and good EC’s, unique essays

Admitted fall no merit

Here are my stats, and I was admitted w/ pres scholarship: 34 ACT,4.0 UW, several AP’s and dual enrolled college classes, artsy EC’s and essays

Congratulations to your daughter. 47k is still a lot for my family. I’m glad your family can afford that. If you don’t mind me asking what was your EFC. it can be a general answer. I just want to get an idea of what aid i might receive since I submitted my documents late and have no clue.

Thanks! No we won’t be paying 47K. She received 47K in grants and scholarships. There is no way we can afford 47K. LOL. That’s the total of what was given to her between grants, scholarships, and work study. our efc was around 17K.

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Admitted to Fall 2021
4.0 uw
4.8 w
SAT submitted 1220
Top 1% (ranked 5th in a class of 650)
all honors class
5 AP classes
1 dual enrollment
300 hours plus of community service
National Honor Society
Math Honor Society
Dance Team - Senior Officer
Good essays and rec letters.


No scores
4 APs
Volunteer firefighter
Varsity sport
Club sport
Work experience
Multiple clubs with one President role