UMiami ED2 Class of 2025

@Tree23 Were you ever able to contact FA? Did the numbers work out the way you thought?

Hey! Yes. Thankfully! We will be out of pocket approx $6k for the year. Which is good for us. She’s still applying to outside scholarships so hopefully that helps and lessens the out of pocket.

yes, last week around Monday I got an email saying I was missing 2 docs so I submitted and they were received by Tuesday… waiting on the aid package to commit officially so wondering when it will come

How did your daughter get 47k in aid and you only have to pay 6k per year? I thought the cost of attendance was around 75k.

Never mind. I figured that you were just talking about tuition.

Okay. :slight_smile: she won’t be living on campus. We are Miami locals. She will probably want to do dorms or off campus near school in her last two years.

Ohhh okay. Gotcha!! Hoping the aid package is a good one!!!

My son is going to accept the spring start. He plans on going to Charlseton and living with his brother down there (we are from NY) and taking classes at the commnuity college. It was his first choice of schools and he has friends who got accepted for fall. He will probably make plans to visit a few weekends during football which will help getting to know a few kids.

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Ik this thread is kinda dead but I was accepted EA and I’ve become great friends with spring semester kids so don’t worry too much about making friends!!!

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I hope everyone that applied got accepted!
I applied for ED2 and got accepted into the college of engineering last month :slight_smile:


Charleston is a great city. He may not want to leave!

could you share your stats if you don’t mind me asking…

Of course (sorry it’s long)

Most of my application was based around my essay because I was test optional so I didn’t turn in a score. I wrote about my love for architecture and 1) how I’ll use it in the future 2) my dedication to my career field and the university and 3) my understanding of stress and hard work that comes with such a career.
For my second essay we turn in for the school I wrote about my struggle with math and how I worked hard because of my dream of becoming a STEM major. I think my essays going hand and hand helped a lot to be honest.

I have a 3.58 unweighted GPA and a 4.5 weighted GPA because I took AP classes throughout high school. I was told they like to see students taking rigorous courses even into their senior year to show they’re still putting in effort.

I didn’t participate in sports, and have the minimum amount of community service hours, but I did participate in a few clubs. I was an officer in some so I included stuff like that to boost my application.

For my teacher recommendations I had my engineering teacher write about the materials I’m certified in (it’s the same things we use in our first two college semesters) so it could have showed them im prepared for what’s to come. I then had my English teacher write about my work ethics.

One thing that was important in my application was my background though. Each of us have a different background and I was lucky enough to stand out to them as I’m a black female who wants a career in engineering. I also qualify for financial aid because my income is low enough and I live with a single parent.

My word of advice to anyone who reads this would be to spend a lot of time on the essay portion. Speak a lot about yourself in it as I was told they’re looking to read about things they can’t find anywhere else in the application.

Hope this helps someone! Good luck!


CAn you guys please cahnce me. I freaking out.
I’m an international student studying the A-Level curriculum.
→ I have a 4.0/4.0 UW GPA
→ I come #35 out of 950 (maybe 1200 students- not too sure due to recent expansion) students at my high school
→ SAT got a 1360.
→ Predicted 3A* at A-Level (Mathematics, Econ, Business)
→ Wasn’t allowed to partake in extracurriculars due to some reasons but tried my best to pursue those things which I’m interested in. I know they are extremely unorthodox and probably have no weightage in the eyes of the admissions officers.

Started my own Charity (Unofficial- Doesn’t have a name and isn’t registered yet)
Became a self-taught forex and stocks trader and also teach trading- to help my father financially and to pay for the charity.
took care of my grandparents on a regular basis.
tutored my younger cousin
was the captain of 3 business competitions
Am an unofficial fitness trainer and nutritionist
Am a micro Instagram influencer- make my own content/earn some money too.
Miscellaneous activities/hobbies- participated in a couple of badminton tournaments at my club, frequently paint/draw, etc
→ I also faced certain extenuating circumstances because of which I got mediocre O-Level results and because of which I was also not allowed to participate in ECAs.
→ financial aid needed

The main thing is I’ve been rejected from Fordham so I don’t have any hope left at all for Miami.

Just curious - are you now a Miami Hurricane?!