UMiami ED2 Class of 2025

My son too. Trying to see if he can take a fall classes somewhere so he is where he is supposed to be in January

I just read they will accept credits from community colleges taken during the Fall

I am concern about Financial Aid. UM website says they won’t give Merit Awards to Spring students. How about Florida Bright Future? My son is taking the SAT in March 13.

Do you know if there are any chances of getting FA package sooner than mid-April?

I think they will focus on solving Fall students problems with FA and then they will work on Spring Students. I wish it could come sooner for peace of mind.

My son was also accepted to Spring semester. He is dying to go to Miami but upset about starting late. Is your son accepting the offer? Mine is on the fence.

To those who were accepted. Is there a group chat y’all started? My daughter is asking.

There are links to snapchat groups, groupme, and loopchat in facebook groups. Join the FB groups called University of Miami Class of 2025 run by humans of university and the one called University of Miami (Admitted Students).



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There are also 2 parent groups on Facebook, there is University of Miami Class of 2025 parents group and Cool Parent Group (University of Miami).

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3.8/4.9 GPA
350+ volunteer hours
no leaderships, went to multiple high schools bc I moved a lot but part of NHS, IBHS and other clubs
Part-time job
IB student and took 4 AP classes + 1 DE
Several ECs
first generation latina
Accepted but deferred from EA at first and got the presidential scholarship- waiting for my FA package but super happy!!

Don’t lose hope if you’re deferred, it is still possible:)


Awesome!! Thank you so much for sharing!

My son was admitted ED II for Fall. I didn’t even know that universities now have Spring admits but I do know someone who got into William and Mary that way and it was her dream school so that’s what she did. So I would say if it’s your son’s dream school then wait till spring to start. In the long run it won’t make any difference, no one will know and he’ll probably forget about starting in spring anyway.

Thank you for your words. Big decision to make. He has other choices, but Miami was his number 1. He just feels he would be behind the ball (so to speak) starting 2nd.

So you went from deferred to ED2? Or got accepted RD after being deferred for EA?

He can take a few classes at a local community college and then transfer the credits.

I went from deferred EA to accepted ED2


Does anyone know if you can take online classes and receive credits?

does anyone know when financial aid packages will be released?

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My D received her financial aid award with her acceptance letter. We’re you missing financial aid docs?