UMiami vs UCONN?

<p>Hi! I'm having a really tough time deciding between far I've gotten into Miami and UCONN honors programs and a 24k scholarship to Miami with a 6k grant, so I'd have to pay about 4k for tuition. UCONN gave me a half ride (i'm in-state) which results in a 4k tuition fee also...Also I was accepted to Boston College (not sure on FA yet) and Wake Forest (only 15.5k grant with 10k loans, so looking at about 15k tuition fee). I really loved Wake when I visited, but my family can only afford to pay 25k for tuition at max...but is it worth the debt? and how is UMiami because I havn't had a chance to visit :( </p>

<p>I would really appreciate your opinions on this decision!</p>

<p>It all depends on how much you like each school. there’s nott rly a question to answer here</p>

<p>well she hasnt seen each school so she wants to know your oponion on the topic. Im kind of curious as well, is there anything you can tell us about your experiences at Miami? Do you think its comprable to uconn honors or boston college?</p>

<p>They are pretty much complete opposite schools…UConn is in the middle of nowhere, gets freezing cold and will have mostly Connecticut residents who are more concerned with spending. UM is near lots of action…Coconut Grove, S. Beach, etc, has warm weather and the students come from all over the world and are wealthier.</p>

UConn is pretty remote. I expect most student life takes place on the campus and in the dorms in the cold weather
Miami- Walking distance to many things and driving (or school shuttle or train) to everything else.</p>

Expect to get a quality education at both. No need to compare unless someone can post and has actually been a student at both.</p>

Football at Miami. UConn- isn’t a team is there?</p>

<p>Because the warm/hot weather, much time can be spent outdoors and there seems to be a lot going on around the campus at UM. (I went to cold weather schools and nothing took place outdoors!!)</p>

Expect increases at both. Room and Board may be higher at Miami.</p>

<p>You can always start at Miami and transfer to UConn if you are unhappy. Due to the lower cost at UConn (IS for you) that is easier than the reverse.</p>

<p>Try to plan a visit if you can. It should be part of the decision making process. Fly into Miami (closer to campus) than Ft. Lauderdale, if you can.</p>

<p>I don’t know why you would pick UConn over Miami if they’re going to cost the same. Miami is private and a much better school with smaller class sizes and a more diverse student population. I would definitely go with Miami between those two, but if you really love Wake you have to decide if it’s worth the debt. If you can go to Miami without taking out any loans, it’s definitely a great deal.</p>

<p>thank you guys for the info! It should help making my decision a little easier now that I know a little more about Miami’s environment</p>

<p>they basically told you nothing about the schools. you need to visit or look at a much wider sample than just 5 random posts…</p>

<p>First of all…UCONNs sports are much bigger than Miami’s. Uconn is huge for basketball, pretty big for football and big for soccer/hockey.</p>

<p>Second…education would be about the same. You will get kids with lower SATs at UCONN tho. Miami’s classes are much smaller as well. </p>

<p>Uconn will be much cheaper (I’m a CT resident in the same position as you but without the grant). The student bodies are very different at both. Miami has more internationals, more jersey, more rich kids etc. they are very different</p>