UMich Admissions - Regular Decision Fall 2022

I didn’t get any notification or decision did anyone

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Can someone lmk if they know otherwise it’s refresh refresh refresh LOL

I also didn’t get mine lol rip. Did you check your portal cause most people who didn’t get a decision had a “switch app” button I think.

Not sure what that means . He applied to fall your saying they might of accepted him for another term?! But he didn’t apply to summer or what other option .

Is that what happened to you

Ask him to check his portal to see if he has that button cause a lot of people who didn’t hear back had that button.

I didn’t have the button, but I applied to summer.

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What does that button mean? Does it mean he got accepted for different term? Sorry I am a newbie to all this lol

Lol dw all of us aren’t sure what the button means but I think someone is going to call admission office tomorrow and tell us!

Does you son have the button then?

No he said he didn’t

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I have a question about summer term U-M if you get accepted to start summer term instead of fall does that mean you just go to campus end of June and take a couple of classes for the 6 week start with the rest ti freshman in fall. Do what everyone else in fall does. Effectively your a freshman .

Just kind of like a head start?

Do you know if you get asked to start in summer does that effect an application to the other schools like Ross Biz school.

Sorry I know your not all college advisor but you seem to all know more than my sons college advisor. She is very rude and acts like I’m should know it all. I admit I don’t .

Yup exactly it’s a head start and it starts around June 26 I believe I’m not sure. But, there are other 2 summer start programs for LSA, one being the bridge scholar and the other one I believe is CSP? I’m not sure if summer term means you go to either one of these programs or being a condensed version of fall semester except from Jun-August (hopefully the admission office clarifies for us!) I’m not sure about the transition to LSA to Ross but I believe that if you don’t get into Ross, you can apply again sophomore year and it’s an application based! What I said above might be wrong since I’m only a senior :sweat_smile: Hope that helps!

Update !!! I spoke to U-M undergrad admissions office. They actually have a call center and they tell you the status of your application. You give them your Michigan IID or name and DOB and they tel you if the decision was made and maybe there was an issue with the portal or your account OR aid it’s still under review.

My sons application is still under review . They don’t give any specific reason just that they do a rigorous review. She also said soon it should be out. I think this Friday April Fools day at 3pm.

So call . They open at 8 am. Good luck

When do they usually send out the financial aid package after acceptance?


I’m wondering the same thing, FA is a big factor for me so I’m hoping I can find out soon.

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I just found out from a friend yesterday they got their decision . The withdraw application button was gone and she heard I don’t know what time and I don’t know if they got the email notification the ado says they send. But unfortunately she was rejected.

I feel so bad for her because she didn’t hear with the big wave Friday . So of course her mind went into the what if. Like if they wanted ti reject me they would of already. Stuff like that . But I guess they have no rhyme or reason as to why so many decisions went out Friday and th hen some didn’t then one Monday. Obviously it could be more Monday but I know my son is still waiting.

FYI they have a call center that if you want you or your child can call and ask status of decision just in case you want to make sure the portal or whatever is ok.

Good luck

Is it easy to change majors at UMich from one engineering to another engineering?

Yes absolutely. COE students typically declare sophomore year after they take their prerequisite classes.

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Im a umich student who is transferring out of the university and I have a contract with an apartment building that I am looking to lease to someone else now. I’m assuming some new transfers in this thread would be looking for housing options. The apartment building is called The Standard in Ann Arbor. Its a newly constructed building with a lot of great amenities. Please message me if you would be interested in taking my place at the apartment building.

Is this apt still available
My friends son is going on Sept 2002 he got into soeaicl sports management program and it’s a January start. But wants to go out to Ann Arbor First semester so he meets people etc. so he needs An apt i can have them get in touch

Really nice respectful people .

Yes this apt is still available. If you could give me your friend’s son email address, I could give him the details of the lease. Thanks for your interest.