UMich Admissions - Regular Decision Fall 2022

Decisions are out…

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Yes they are out


I got in for CS, I wasn’t expecting this at all. I’m super happy



Out-of-State (Virginia)

4.63 Weighted G.P.A./4.0 Un-Weighted G.P.A.

1570 S.A.T. (13 APs: 6x 5, 1x 4, 6x In-Progress)

Extra-Curriculars: F.B.L.A. President, Class President, Debate Captain, Non-Profit Founder, Model U.N. Delegate + More

Awards: 2x State Debate Champion, 2x State F.B.L.A. Champion, National Merit Recipient (Finalist in LoCI), AP Scholar w/ Distinction + More

Major: Business Administration (Ross) + Un-Declared (L.S.A.)

Financial Aid: Kinda Need-Based


Happy for everyone who got in, but frustrated w/ the decision notification process - It created a lot of apprehension on my end, as I’m sure it did for others

My D just got in OOS LS&A in a very shocking result.

She is from Los Angeles and an over-represented, large public HS, non-minority

Weak ECs, no test score, all As until senior year but 3 Bs first semester senior year.

Acceptances: UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UC Irvine
Rejections: UCLA, Cal SLO
Waitlists: UCSD, UCSB

This one makes no sense given all the higher stat kids getting rejected / WL’d. It seems entirely random. Her older sister got rejected at Cal and Michigan with better stats and ECs in class of 2019.


They definitely must have seen something through her essays and profile. Good luck to all her acceptances.

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My son had Berkeley and Michigan as options and always regretted not going to Michigan. They’re incomparable from a school spirit and overall fun perspective. This may have cost me an incremental $40k/year! I still think this must be a mistake :slight_smile:

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Decision: S22 Waitlisted
Application Type: EA 11/1
Location: OOS
School: Biomedical Engineering
SAT/GPA: 1590/ 4.5; 11 APs
Decent ECs and recommendations
Legacy: N


Accepted to LSA and SMTD
1510 SAT homeschooled

My portal isn’t loading does anyone else have this issue

Agree. Michigan is different feel and faculty is great. I liked their action based learning at Ross


Decision: D22 Waitlisted
Application Type: RD
Location: OOS
School: Undeclared L&S
Strong ECs. Very strong LORs.
Legacy: Y

Opting into the waitlist since Michigan was her dream school, but not terribly optimistic on her chances based on WL stats from previous years.

Will choose between UC Davis (in-state) and University of Washington.

This whole admissions process has been sobering for us. But ready to move on. :two_hearts:


amazing results. Congrats!!! Does she have any hooks?

Not really. I went to U of M (class of '91) and donated $50 back in 1996 or so :). She was crying herself to sleep 48 hours ago about her results and then Berkeley shocked us, and then today, when she called to tell me she got into U of M, I actually thought she was joking. She basically has no ECs other than HS and club soccer and no standardized test score. She had 4 APs total sophomore and junior years, so nothing remotely crazy and through senior year hasn’t taken an AP science other than AP CS this year. We are from an over-represented part of LA and she is not from an under-represented ethnic group. I told her she should write a book about how to get into the nation’s top public schools while being a normal HS kid who spends a lot of time just doing nothing. I think her essays were very good and maybe her recs were good, but hard to really know. In this arbitrary admissions season, she definitely considers herself extremely fortunate to have these options.


I would read that book!!! Congratulations again. She sounds like a great person.

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Did anyone receive Merit Scholarship or Financial aid notice with the acceptance

Does anyone know how much harder it is to get into ross if you applied RD. I did not know they gave preference to EA and so I thought I could spend more time on my app and applied RD. I still submitted it by the end of November if that matters.

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