UMich Ann Arbor Early Action Fall 2023

Thank you!!!

Y’know, all of this speculating, anxiety, rumors, falsifying emails, and whatnot would never happen if Michigan just… gave us a time and date on the release date like every other college. I much rather it be “decisions are going to release at THIS time on THIS day” instead of “well MAAAAAYBE we’ll release it a bit earlier than this date”, even if it meant waiting a bit longer :rofl: :rofl:.

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Oh, this has been a very slow year on the Michigan thread. I have been disappointed by the lack of speculation, reading of tea leaves, etc., this year!


My opinion is that’s the exact reason why this forum is the longest every year. So much speculation! Most of the other schools that are as competitive as UM have definitive release dates, so you don’t have all these speculation posts!


Oh, this has been a very slow year on the Michigan thread. I have been disappointed by the lack of speculation, reading to tea leaves, etc., this year!

I think it’s because the Michigan parent pages on Facebook are so active. Although the Michigan Prospective Parent Facebook group has just gotten more active in the last couple days.

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I will join a FB page is D23 is accepted. It’s her #1 choice!


On the off chance that they actually release today, when we would be having those magical aforementioned “portal signs” that foretell the release? Feels like we should be having them right about now.


Seems like those happened a day or 2 before? Or at least early in the morning.
Does anyone remember?


TBH, I’ve tried to tamp down the rampant speculation with just sayin’ stuff like “So applicants and parents don’t go nuts, just think Friday, January 27, 2023 is the date, just be patient.”

And yes, it would be great if Michigan gave us a release date, but they don’t. And haven’t as far back as I’ve researched.

Lots of hurt feelings over the years. Just trying to control expectations.


If your portal has seen a lack of any activity, then IMO, I doubt that anything will happen today.


Well, this perosn’s “switch application” tab broke, but it likely doesn’t mean anything. Haven’t heard anything else otherwise. As expected, today is probably a dud.

I still have the switch tab.

Was it not originally there? I’m confused now. I only applied to CoE, so I don’t have it.

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are you looking on a phone or on a desktop, just curious…

was it always there?

Annnnnnnnnd… 3PM has passed without a peep. Come again next week, y’all.


27th is the day!


my son got his email last year to check his portal at 3:23pm…


My daughter opened her portal at 3:00 exactly last year and saw the confetti.


I am so excited. Portal theories are starting…