UMich Ann Arbor Early Action Fall 2023

There was a thread this year about Florida State and BU. I recall the parent sharing that her set of twins - one got an offer from Florida state this year but the other twin did not get an offer or was deferred; and may have been similar with BU.

There was a parent of twins on the Michigan thread last year - one admitted, one deferred. Unfortunately the deferred one was the one who really wanted to attend, the other ended up declining the offer. Not sure what the outcome was for the deferred twin.

That sounds like a Patty Duke episode and they can just go to each other’s college and no one would know :mortar_board::thinking:… (wonder how many people will actually understand the reference… Thinking to myself…)


What a crazy pair! But they’re cousins, Identical cousins all the way.


Yeah. The portal is being updated but the “withdrawal” link is still accessible for both LSA & Ross.

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Exciting times!

Is the general consensus that EA decisions will be released this Friday (1/27)? Does Michigan reject during EA round or just defer and accept?

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I knew you would get it :joy:

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This site is just a microcosm of the real world. They accept, postpone (defer) and reject… But it just seems like everyone gets deferred. But they usually get to close to half of their freshman class during EA…or something similar


One graduated with a Sports Management degree - One will graduate in April with a master’s in Aerospace Engineering - One is majoring in Biomedical Engineering. All three of my kids have had an amazing time at Michigan. Opportunities are available but you have to be willing to take action in order to maximize it’s potential. It is highly competitive and you have to be invested in it. My kids have worked really hard at Michigan…it’s not for everyone.


That’s awesome. My son graduated 1.5 years ago in Industrial engineering. He made his own way and yes, He worked extremely hard, daily. People don’t understand how hard the school actually is and I say it every year. But yes, so many opportunities if you just explore and go after them. Great to hear…


Hi everyone! I’m a current Freshman here at Michigan and was in your position a year ago. I remember how stressful this time and wait was so I am here to answer any questions you have during this time. Ask away :))


Not true, my friend’s case, 1 went to ivy, 1 went to state school.


I have one in Engineering and one who just applied to Kines…

This is 100% me rn! My stats are pretty good and I’m in state but CoE is competitive for everyone so it really feels like I’m waiting to be deferred :sob:

Does AnnArbor admit by school / major? Applying LSA. 4.4 gpa, 1570 SAT, decent extracurriculars, OOS.

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admit to univ first


any portal astrology from previous years?

I think the twin rule is true more often than not if their stats are pretty similar because it helps with yield (many twins want to stay together.) At my kids’ school they always get accepted together but it’s also a feeder school.


I think i read (here or somewhere - can’t seem to find it now) that for OOS, Michigan defers EA by default. Is that accurate? My son applied EA OOS and I’m not sure whether to expect a decision or just a deferral till RDs come out. Thank you!