UMich Ann Arbor Early Action Fall 2023

does UM typically announce around 3pm EST? Or in the evening?


Michigan typically releases around 3:00 PM EST. They rarely announce “squatola.“ :grinning:

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My senior is off to school for the day. This afternoon results (I’m banking on 3pm today for decisions) will be exciting no matter what. If Michigan comes through - it will be another waiting game for the Ross decision. I know the majority of results for all applicants will be a deferral or decline. Basic math. That is just a reality. And I think my kid has a great application - but I like to manage my expectations. The point is - don’t waste time being bitter if the result stinks. Because any legitimate applicant to UofM has more options than most kids graduating high school. They have what they need to be successful. Wishing everyone the best possible result for the Fall … whatever that may be.


Beware of first time posters that post hard-to-believe messages.


So exciting day today. Also University of Illinois - champaign releases today. Not sure who else?

Again please post…
In or out of state
Major applied to.
Unweighted GPA
Sat /Act score or didn’t submit
Result of accepted, postponed or denied.

Just remember also…

Once today is over with (better be today :wink:) you are no longer an EA applicant. Everyone goes into the RD decision pool. Hope the waters warm :swimming_man:Many of the EA applicants get picked in the RD round so just hold on.

But, many will be on a long ride till April. so hold on. It really doesn’t matter if you get accepted now or in April. Everyone has till May to make up their mind. Choose where it’s affordable for you to go to.

Good Luck! :four_leaf_clover::crossed_fingers:


can’t agree more with your above statement!!


And don’t waste time being bitter about a deferral because an acceptance could be on the horizon. Many kids who were initially postponed or even waitlisted are ultimately accepted and are now thriving students at Michigan.

To the extent possible, understand any decision as a strategic one that fits some institutional goals of the university, not a personal one about your/your child’s application. Don’t bash Michigan to your kid, especially if they are hoping for a later acceptance.


Yes U of Illinois comes out today at 4pm, that’s what my daughter told me. And maybe who knows, Univ of Wisconsin could be released today in the evening. Pins and needles.

University of Wisconsin is supposed to be today, too! DS waiting on both:) An exciting day for sure. He has three acceptances so far, including Purdue, which he is thrilled about. But really waiting on those Michigan, and Wisconsin decisions :crossed_fingers:

Good Luck to everyone! Or as we have been saying for years with our BFA Acting college daughter, break a leg!


Congrats on Purdue and good luck going forward. So a Midwest coglamerate of schools today. Wonder if that is intentional. Hmmm.

Users whose first post is to announce an acceptance before UMich releases will be viewed as troIIs and banned.


congratulations on the Purdue acceptance! When I was waiting to hear back from colleges way back in the day (1986) Purdue was first to accept me so it holds a special place in my heart. Ultimately I went to U of Wisconsin- Madison. Yeah my daughter is waiting on Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Texas (which I think is Feb 1) and Florida (which is in Feb).


Thank you! And ah yes, that is true! I wonder…


Sometime last year, I remember reading article, or a poll, that the Purdue’s president was the best college college president in the US. How did they determine that? I don’t know, lol. But they have a very high student satisfaction and quality of life on campus. Plus amazing engineering and aerospace, flight schools. Wisconsin is probably the most amazing college campus I have set foot on. And we were so impressed with the tour! Great school. Good luck to your daughter! Looking forward to hearing.

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Well it would be an honour for her to get accepted to any of these places, she would be thrilled. She wants to major in neuroscience, so I think any of these schools would be excellent places for her.

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That may be 4pm Central Time?

Well, today is judgement day (or the day you’re finding out that you’re waiting 2 more months for your judgement day :sweat_smile:). GL to all! Luckily I’ll be out of school at 3 PM so the first thing when I do when I get home is to check the admissions portal with my parents!


Yes 4 pm central, since illinois is central time. Generally i’ve seen it come out a little bit earlier around 3:30, so keep checking


Same! My son applied to neurobiology!

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Yes, I think you’re right. She thinks in EST time because we’re in New York.