UMich Ann Arbor Early Action Fall 2023

Yes, there was plenty of anecdotal evidence here on CC, in the last cycle of admissions, where in-state feeders didn’t have a great admissions cycle. If you’re a “Yooper,” then UMich seems to “love” that area of Michigan over the years.

We don’t have a 2022-2023 CDS yet, or an updated admissions profile, but typically in-state applications hover around 10,000-11,000 +/- applicants each cycle, but the OOS apps have been increasing over the years. Last year, Michigan had their highest # of apps at 84,000 apps.

Best of luck!

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One other thing.

For the admissions cycle of 2021-2022, UMich’s enrolled class was around 7,300 freshman. UMich admitted more due to the pandemic.

For the past cycle of 2022-2023, administration was aiming for a class of 6,700-6,800 students.

So, the projected class size reduction for last year will certainly impact last year’s acceptance rates. I have not read or heard anything about the 2023-2024 class size yet.


I saw this article last month with some preliminary info on this fall’s freshman class. I’m guessing yield was higher than expected as it noted that the have over 7,000 freshman on campus.


Last few years Michigan has been between 6800-7200 freshman students.


Yes, i just replying to the comment above

“For the past cycle of 2022-2023, administration was aiming for a class of 6,700-6,800 students.”

Fwiw, I also found this which link with more 2022 enrollment stats. 7050 freshman in 2022.


The likely acceptance rate for fall 2022 is around 18%. Let us wait for the CDS to come out.

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If they accept around 15,000 applicants for 84,000 total apps, then 18% seems about right.

For Ross 2022-2023, the acceptance rate was 10%, 860 acceptances for 8,680 apps.


Would you like to share your considered opinion as to why UCLA gets more freshman applications when its undergraduate programs are not rated as high as that of Michigan?

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The population of California is 40 million; the population of Michigan is 10 million.


My DD23 will not apply because Michigan is freakin” cold (lol). Prestige is important but many students, especially of this generation, perceived quality of life a factor in where they apply.

At some point in the college list process she told me she rather go to her safety ( U of South Carolina honors college) than apply to Michigan. Not to say this is a smart choice (I didn’t think it was) but the fact that someone would chose to apply to UCLA over Michigan Ross made me laugh —not everyone agrees that prestige trumps other factors.


Short and sweet :grinning: :grinning: response

Michigan forth largest contributor of Students is California behind Michigan, NY, Illinois. So some warm weather students don’t mind the “cool” weather. Sometimes leaving your comfort zone builds upon the person you want to become…take the road less traveled.


My daughter submitted her application for U of Michigan Stamps School for early action on time on Oct. 31. Common App indicated that the teachers and GC had started their recommendation letters. On Nov. 1 the GC submitted her stuff. But it took the teachers 3 days to figured out that they did not submit the letters on the Common App properly and finally got the letters in today. My D just found out that U-M downloaded her application on Nov.2. Now we are panicking. Do you know if U-M will receive her teachers’ rec after my D’s application has been downloaded?

Thank you for your help!!!

Michigan requires all application materials be submitted by the Nov 1 deadline for EA. Call the admissions office and ask if her file was complete on that date.

Let admissions or her AO know today with an email. Michigan is usually very fair when things like this happen. Good luck. Stamps is amazing.

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In state legacy 3.69 unweighted 3.928 weighted Test opptional, Boys state delegate, party chairman, varsity XC and TF runner, Cellist in orchestra, all IB exept math and language. I Work with mastiff rescue and cat rescues, I am a class executive board member and a NHS home group leader. I also had a payed internship at the waterford chamber of commerce the summer of my jr year. I have also won a international award for Technology. I was also ranked
Ranked Top 5 of 560 in Bloomfield Hills Stock Market Market challenge.

Do i look competitive for poli sci?

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Lsa is unweighted 3.9 with 32-35 Act score avg… Under 3.7 is tough but your Ecs are good. I assume you applied EA? They will want to i see your midterm grades and if you can Ace out you might improve your odds.

What do kids at your school get accepted to Michigan with grade /Stat wise?

My son applied to Stamps as well! good luck!


It tends to be feeder into michigan state. But 4.0s mostly.

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Then you know it will be tough. It’s a reach at this point but do the best you can…