UMich Ann Arbor Early Action Fall 2023

OOS female (NY)
34 ACT with 36 in reading
7 AP/dual enrollment and the rest honors
2 sport varsity athlete
other good ecs
Applied for English major

In State son admitted to LSA with Preferred Admit to Taubman Architecture
34 ACT
High rigor (core classes all AP and honors)
Long term extracurriculars (middle school-high school)
3rd gen Legacy


Computer science will be decided within 10 days. What does that mean?

Within 10 days you will be notified if your in CS. Your just accepted to Michigan at this point. So congrats on this. They are doing things differently this year due to the amount of people applying to the college of CS.


So the RD thread is up now.


Thank you!

You can click on the link and see what they want. There is an additional thing to click to submit so it won’t affect anything to look at it. If I’m remembering correctly it says a letter under 250 words expressing your continued interest.


Have 2 nephews – both double parent legacies, and 2 grandparents legacies, etc. one instate and oos. In state accepted, OOS postponed. Almost identical stats but IMO OOS had stronger ECs. OOS had 1590, 3.9 uw/4.7 w, had done a summer program where he was recruited by a gov’t agency through a rigorous application process, school newspaper editor, MV calc as a junior (CC math as a senior). Instate nephew don’t know exact SAT but was also NM semi, and is in MV calc as a senior… tell me that’s not yield protection (FWIW, OOS candidate got deferred from an ivy ED1, and does have an ED2 where he had an interview and had/was offered an alumni interview at Harvard)…


Lots of high stat kids get deferred then accepted in the next 2 rounds. Schools just don’t want to make sure they want to be here and not using it as a back up. Write the loci and express your desire to be here and an active member of the community. Good luck!

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ROSS does not specify but typically do EA applicants hear decisions on Feb 17 or Mar 17 and RD applicants on Apr 14 ?

Ross totally tells you the dates…
Announcing 2023 Admissions Decision Release Dates: Set Your Calendar | Michigan Ross.

You have to be accepted by your home school first then your information goes to Ross for their consideration

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I was not clear in asking my question.
Applied LSA - preferred ROSS for Fall 2023 EA
Accepted to LSA yesterday (OOS, 4.0UW, 1600 SAT)
Is it more likely to get a decision from ROSS by Feb 17 / Mar 17 rather than Apr 14 because applicant applied EA.

So if you got deferred/postponed, is the Expression of Continued Interest Form (250 words) the place to include your midyear grades or just a brief paragraph about why you want to go or both? It sounded like from their letter that was how you submitted midyears and that they wouldn’t look at anything else. (Which means the midyear grade report from his school would be ignored?) My student disagrees and says that mid year grades isn’t what they want in that 250 words. He took more rigorous courses his senior year and more APs so I suggested he write about that and he said that that’s already telling them what they know from his transcript but not sure anything from senior year coursework would have been included on the one sent in the fall.


You could be theoretically accepted on any of the 3 dates Ross has posted.

You could also not hear any decision on the February or March Ross dates and then get a decision in April.

Probabilities of acceptance do decrease as time passes.

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A couple of things: I am not sure that I would necessarily call what you are describing yield protection, except in the sense that they do give preference to in state applicants. In general, in state SATs, GPAs, etc., are lower. That’s not a secret. They first and foremost serve in state students.

Second, Harvard tries to interview ALL applicants. Getting a Harvard alumni interview indicates nothing more than that he applied and there were enough alumni interviewers in his area to offer him the opportunity.

Third, given that he did ED1 and is now doing ED2 elsewhere, Michigan certainly isn’t at the top of his list. Michigan does value the “Why Michigan” and other supplemental essays. It’s possible that the in state nephew had more persuasive essays than the OOS nephew.

Even when we think we know what each kid had to offer, unless we know a school’s institutional priorities in their evaluation rubric AND we have read the minutiae of the applications, it is impossible to know for sure what made the difference in a holistic review.

(Your post doesn’t mention major, either, which could have played a part.)


In terms of the admissions decision, being a legacy is no longer an admissions bump.

Michigan is on record that being a legacy only helps them post-decision in determining their yield.


Hard to imagine anyone thinking Michigan is a backup. It is my Ds #1 choice. But she was Deferred. Her essays made it so very clear I’m not sure what else there is to write about in the LOCI. She is still hoping she’ll get in though.


Just wanted to point out that a couple of posts below yours is one of an accepted EA applicant with a 4.0/1,600.

Michigan both accepts and defers high stat appliants. No one knows why Michigan accepts one and defers another. The good thing is that many deferred applicants will be accepted in RD.


This is spot on. A Michigan Admissions rep spoke to how the “Why Michigan?” essay is critically important and that many students (with impressive stats) miss the opportunity to completely answer the question.