UMich Ann Arbor Early Action Fall 2023

Similar boat here. Postponed group seems to have a high number of high and ultra high stat and legacy kids from OOS. Or maybe I saw what I wanted to see when I eyeballed the messages. Lol.
Disappointed because I thought we’d have a yay/nay and move on. We have other equally good options, so in a way, maybe we do. If it’s any consolation, kids from all types of colleges get hired to good jobs and go on to have great careers.


Can you submit supplemental artifacts to show continued interested after you’ve submitted LOCI? Since you’ve already submitted, just wondering if you still have a button or way of adding to it until the deadline.
S23 wants me to wait till he finishes something he’s working on, but I wonder if timing is more important at this point.


I’m pretty sure i read that you can only submit once so better to wait. You have until mid February.

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Did everyone who applied to Ross get an email from admissions? Mine only got the LSA Honors email.

Update: Nevermind - found it. It went to spam.

Son got both emails (admissions/honors & Ross)


You only submit what they ask for. Nothing more or less. Also he should be doing this submission. It’s also a lesson of following the rules of what they want.

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I would say that is pretty accurate. Michigan seems particularly brutal this year on EA. Tons of legacies and really amazing students postponed.

You tell your kids they still have a shot and that plenty of people will/must get in off RD, but they understandably get discouraged, and excited about some of their other options. Pretty bold “game” UM plays, but I guess they think it works best for them. Will be interesting to see what happens with RD.


To all. There is probably about 55,000EA applications. I would guess another 30,000 after Feb 1 (Regular Decision) Most, if not all those applicants are deserving of admissions. They choose whom they choose even if it doesn’t seem fair right now. We have all been through this and it gets harder every year. Every college is making a class and what they need is different yearly. They can take only so many Quarterbacks. Only so many perfect scores. Only so many legacy and so on. Approximately half the freshman class comes out of EA. If your kids really don’t want to go to Michigan and other schools are more appealing then that’s awesome. Narrowing down is part of the process. This is a long ride. Most here won’t have an answer till mid April. Don’t shoot the messenger but just letting you know. For kids that really want to go to Michigan getting accepted in April is still an admission. :grin:. Good luck!


My OOS son got into Aerospace. I would like to know if we can expect financial aid package that covers our need? We submitted both FAFSA and CSS.

He got into GaTech as well. I am just wondering which one is more generous in meeting the need.

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Call since evey situation is different but for oos they usually don’t meet need. But again, call since some have been surprised. It is probably too early for them to tell you but they might be able to give you an idea.

Also between the two schools I would go where the fit is the best AND which is more affordable for you. Rankings are very close and both will give you great job prospects.

Also huge congrats. It’s hard reeling in both these schools :+1:


You mean to call the FinAid office and discuss with them? This is my first student and I need some handholding I guess… Thank you


UIUC is the name of the school.


Congratulations! Both UIUC and Purdue are very good for Engineering courses.


Yes, absolutely

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what state are you from?


My D is still holding out hope for Michigan RD but I have moved on. She was accepted EA to Wisconsin and has 4 other apps outstanding. My feeling is if Michigan didn’t want her EA then it’s their loss. She is an outstanding applicant.


As I mentioned WAY up thread, Michigan admissions requires patience. It’s that way every year.


She has a good chance RD.

Absolutely, understood. And for every kid that I know who ended up getting in off deferral and choosing to attend UM, I know of more who either ended up getting rejected, got in off deferral but had already “moved on”, or simply never heard anything one way or the other.

It is ultimately up to my son, but I can see him having patience through February, patience starting to wane in March, and very likely no more patience by April. We’ll see.


The wait wasn’t over in the spring. Last year, there were many on this site who were OOS EA deferred then waitlisted in RD. Including my kid. Luckily my kid and many others had other very attractive admissions by then.

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