UMich Ann Arbor Early Action Fall 2023

Should I submit my LOCI ASAP? I recall hearing that submitting the LOCI early is beneficial.

Also, what options do I have for making Michigan more affordable as an out of state student who doesn’t qualify for need-based aid? ~72k a year is absolutely insane, my parents aren’t willing to pay that (I wouldn’t either) and they won’t let me take on debt even if its not much (also smart).

A lot of the CC members on this thread are waiting for answers from the Ivy’s and/or the UC’s, so I’d sit back and relax.

If Michigan can’t make up their minds by then, “tough noogies” to them. :rofl:


Honestly, your best option is private scholarships. There are big ones out there but they are insanely competitive. My kids aren’t going for anything other than our local $1000/yr scholarship than most college bound kids here in our town get.

The biggest OOS merit I saw at UM was $20k/yr which still leaves a big balance (and it for L&S only). The only full tuition is the STAMPS and I think only accepted EA applicants can get it.

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LOL might as well withdraw my app at this rate. not going to since I’m still curious on if I’ll get in or not but I’m probably just going to an instate school or a out of state school with more generous scholarships (like IU Bloomington + Honors College). Kinda knew that it would be like this from the beginning but there was a drop of hope for something. Truly a big shame since I really really liked U-M and it was my #1 choice outside of the finances.

What options do I have for private scholarships, and which do you recommend perusing? I’m willing to bet its probably too late for this :frowning:

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That statement won’t get you any fans on this thread of folks who are vying for a few spots and WILL attend if admitted.

WRT private scholarships, I don’t think any of them (the big nation-wide ones) are worth pursuing any more than buying lottery ticket is worth pursuing. I mean, somebody wins…

(the exception is if you are in some special group that has access to merit that most people don’t. But if you were in such a group, you’d have been accepted EA already.)


I’m kinda surprised this question hasn’t come up yet, but Michigan will admit some applicants to their Summer Bridge Scholars program.

An accepted applicant would start this summer. Michigan identifies these applicants both EA and RD, in-state and OOS, so no application is necessary.

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That’s an offensive statement to those who received these scholarships.

My daughter, who is full pay and in no special group, was awarded a private, national, full-tuition scholarship, and two smaller but still significant ones.

It wasn’t a lottery ticket. There was far more work than luck involved.

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no intended to be offensive. I was referring to the statistical likelihood of winning. I’m sure she worked hard. So did a bazillion others who didn’t win.


accepted ea to LSA!
3.89 unweighted, 4.2 weighted
8 aps
34 act
good ecs and good essays


Yes. OOS admitted BSN.

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So if an EA is “postponed”, is my DS waiting for a decision in “early April”, along with the RD applicants? This sounds more like “deferred”. Or are there rolling admissions sent in Feb, March? Engineering, if that’s relevant.
Just trying to figure how long to hold out hope.

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There is no more EA. That’s overwith but I understand what you mean.

Everyone going forward is in the RD group. Period. So yes, you could be chosen for admittance from today till Mid April.

No one wants to hear this but it’s on their website also. Hang in there. Getting accepted today or April 15 is still an acceptance. :wink:


trying to figure out what that means for admission to Ross. Little chance of that now, right?

You have to be admitted to the University before Ross even evaluates your application to the business school. My son is in Ross and several of his classmates were initially postponed but ended up being granted admission in RD and gaining admission to Ross.

Frustrating to wait but still possible. Good luck!


Is there a deadline to submit the LOCI?

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The 1st round of Ross admittances, coming Friday 2/17, is not going to happen for someone who wasn’t admitted EA on 1/29.

However, assuming there’s an RD release on or before Friday 2/24, then for someone who’s admitted RD on or before 2/24, they could very possibly be admitted to Ross in their 2nd round of admittances on Friday 3/17.

As time passes, and April is upon us, then the probabilities of admittance will decrease both for RD and Ross.

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I thought there had been consensus on here that there would be one release date for RD-- not waves. Are we expecting waves of acceptances like previous years?

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It will depend on yield.

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Yes. It’s in your email.

You can’t take out this much. You can only take out like $24,750 /4 years (I have to look up the amount to be correct). It’s your parents that have to take out the rest.

If it’s not affordable and your oos then it might not be a good choice for you. The game is not to have loans or mortgage the house or dip into retirement to pay for college. See what your instate affordable options are.