UMich Ann Arbor Early Action Fall 2023

Very hard. They take like 100 students. Economics and others are popular for business.

this is frustrating. she repeatedly stresses reaching out to your admissions counselor, and the “university as a whole” yet the EOCI form essentially says “this is it.”


I agree. This blog post seems to contradict the University’s instructions. If the blogger’s advice is the key to improving your chances … I find the whole process disingenuous.

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I understand. There are conflicting messages.

I can only speak to our experience with contact: My student was postponed a couple of years ago. She had reached out to the AO with a significant update a few days before decisions were released. The AO replied immediately and cordially. The sense I got from reading between the lines of her response was that it was too late and the ship was too big to change direction for EA, but the information was relevant and appreciated.

She was, indeed, deferred a couple of days later. She submitted the EOCI and a school administrator sent a very strong letter of support in her behalf to the the AO. The administrator said that they had a great exchange of several emails.

She was accepted soon after (2020, so December postponement and January acceptance).

It’s possible we got very lucky with our particular AO and the same actions could have the opposite effect with someone else. It’s possible that my student’s situation was exceptional…though I think these days there are really no exceptional circumstances because everyone is exceptional. In the end, my only regret is that she had followed the rules and didn’t make contact earlier in the process.

Did the postponement instructions in 2020 specifically say to only fill out the continued interest form or was it ambiguous?

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I didn’t remember for sure, so I googled and found this article from The Michigan Daily. The article noted this:

“ The page notes the essay form is the only expression of continued interest the University will consider. Any other communications from students outside of the form — with the exception of recent grades — will not be added to their application.”

Here is the article:

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FYI. People can do whatever and whenever. I just always suggest students have contact early in the process. The AOs all know you want to go here. They all get it. Some schools AOs are definitely more active with certain schools. Many successful students have already had 1/2 touches to their AOs and sent letter of Interest already… Plus they have reached out to talk to students, department heads, professors in their department of interests. Many, many never do any of this.

Just keep in mind that AOs are really busy now. If your school can reach out great but keep in mind your not the only one to ask. Also what are you emailing about?Just about anything can be an accomplishment.


I also had a student deferred in January of 2020 - and the claim was that the supplemental essay was the only added item of consideration. I would prefer that they say what they mean, and mean what they say. That’s not my current understanding.

ok so yesterday it said 0$ but today a small award arrived along with an email saying the award is ready to view which was different then yesterdays general email. Does yours show final numbers and a work sheet.


I also have no evidence that the contact contributed positively to my student’s acceptance. The EOCI is not required, and I personally know students who were postponed and later accepted that year without any contact or expression of interest.

It’s possible my student was accepted despite the contact, not because of it. That isn’t what I believe, but it’s possible.


We got the same email. Nothing new earlier today on financial aid but this evening there was an award letter with scholarship and work study offers. OOS COE

It was more than we expected but still may not be enough with UNC and NC State in-state options. She’d prefer Michigan 100%. Tough to swallow oos tuition when both parents went to Michigan and grandparents, family, etc. still in Michigan. So it goes! It’s a brutal process. I appreciate all the insight on this forum. Would be a kick to make Michigan work.

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The same broadcast email says that decision are not due until middle to end of March.
The email simply encourages you to create a Wolverine access and keep updated with any required documents.

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2 Different emails one looks general (last night) and the second says award has been given and there is an award

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Your instate schools are fantastic. It’s funny that so many kids want to go to others instate schools that they don’t want to go to, but seriously, I get it.


Thanks for the evening update…

My DS wolverine now shows a missing document that wasn’t there in the morning… will need to get it to them today and :crossed_fingers:


also got $0 in financial aid. not sure whether to laugh or cry :skull:

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son says no email or new attachment.

Everyone I have spoken to instate accepted recd that email.

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It’s my understanding that the Ross students get to register for classes first, but if there are openings in any of the classes after that, anyone can register for and take classes at Ross. I’m not sure about the pre-Recs that your student might need before any given class, but I know that students can take classes across colleges throughout the university as well.