UMich Ann Arbor Early Action Fall 2023

No knowledge about this. In 2019, when they sent deferrals in December, this could have made sense. Except that we know someone whose app was in quite early who was still deferred (ultimately admitted).

Anyway, it sounds like from fall 2020 on, they‘ve given themselves an extra month and still defer a ton. I guess everyone will see in late January!

If so, that’s unfortunate since the counselor at my child’s school didn’t submit transcript or recommendation until an hour before the Nov 1 midnight deadline (child submitted their part before Oct 15).

Another reason why it can’t be true!

Whew! Great to hear this. My daughter submitted her application on 10/31. Her heart sank when someone shared the story I linked with her. Thanks for the response!

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This info you shared is so encouraging - I didn’t know the EA notification date was previously in December. This would make total sense then that they backed up the notification date to be able to get through all the applications and the story was from prior to that. At least I hope so!

You’re welcome! Somewhere above, @sushiritto confirmed that they still defer a ton of applicants, though. Some of these EA applications are actually just a way to get the application in sooner, but not really to hear sooner. Good luck!!

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Nope. Just an article. Don’t believe articles like this unless they come directly from Michigan like on their website. Yes, Michigan defers lots of applications. With 55,000 EA applications they can’t accept everyone right? About half of the freshman class is accepted out of EA…

Seems 51% female to 49% male.

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The profile appears incorrect in terms of female-male ratio. The CDS and the link, which we commented on (below), appear to be correct. For 2021-2022, the ratio per these links is 55/45 female-to-male ratio.

First, I can’t comment on Wisconsin. My D never applied there and I’m not familiar with their admissions at all.

Now, the part about getting your app in early, because UMich can’t get through them all and thus you’re guaranteed a deferral is a myth that’s been perpetuated for more than decade. Simply not true. The rest of it seems correct (e.g., Michigan may want to see 1st semester grades).

My D18 submitted the evening of 10/31/17 and was admitted EA.

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not true…DS submitted on his Early Action application on October 30th and was admitted in the early round…

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sorry was trying to respond to the post that you were responding to!

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Well, they need to change their numbers then… Lol


My son reviewed his application. He submitted late October. The review was dated 12/31/21. He was deferred then ultimately accepted. In. March. That’s an old urban tale about deferring everyone as they don’t get through them all


Yes this is accurate. D21 at UM was EA OOS deferred until March due to volume. Recently spoke with UM Admissions rep in AA he said they just have so much volume due to no ED its extremely difficult to navigate and they also have to address certain portion of in state applicants first by policy.

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Not an urban tale. My UM daughter reviewed her application this Fall and her deferral was OOS and clearly marked and noted well after January 3rd Friday admissions announcement. They got to it by their own notes in February 2021 for Fall EA 2021. UM has to address and protect in-state acceptance and yield first.


Thanks for the response. In state or OOS?

There has never been a January 3rd EA announcement. For the past two cycles the EA decision release date has been the last Friday in January.

I’ve not only spoken with someone in the admissions department in A2, but I’ve also received several PM’s here on CC over the years from someone in admissions that has told me that have reviewed every file at least once before they release EA decisions.

However, UMich will defer or postpone files that may require additional review(s). Universities have AI and readers to perform at least initial 1st passes on all files. Michigan performs multiple reviews of each application.

Again, over the years, I’ve seen EA apps submitted in early October and on 11/1, both be accepted here on CC.


Monomoy was referring to the 3rd Friday in January, not January 3rd. I had to read it a couple of times to understand it, too.

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Ahh, got it. Thank you.

I’ve kept track of last 11 +/- EA decision release dates, so FYI, here they are:

12/16/2011 (Friday)
12/14/2012 (Friday)
12/20/2013 (Friday)
12/19/2014 (Friday)
12/18/2015 (Friday)
12/21/2016 (Wednesday)
12/20/2017 (Wednesday)
12/19/2018 (Wednesday)
12/19/2019 (Thursday)

During/Post Pandemic
1/29/2021 (Friday @ 2:50 PM EST) (a)
1/28/2022 (Friday @ 3:00 PM EST) (b)

(a) Michigan extended the EA app deadline to Monday, November 16, 2020.
(b) Nursing was released earlier.

Each school reviews their own apps.