umich (art&design) vs. nyu (lsp)

<p>so i've been admitted to u mich art and design and nyu lsp (gallatin track)
i have to decide soon but i'm still in a huge dilemma because although umich has a better rep generally for academics, i like nyu gallatins program more. </p>

<p>for u mich i think i'll most likely transfer out of the art and design school to LSA after my first year so the problem is all my credits are kind of wasted if i do any LSA major
and i heard that the a&d courses for first years aren't that great and i dont want to waste one whole year of college and then graduate late
my concern for nyu is that i have to go through lsp before i can get into gallatin where i can choose my own classes and make my own major
and nyu isnt ranked as high as umich in a lot of areas
any advice?
thanks in advance!!</p>

<p>I’m unclear as to why you applied to AD if you think you’ll transfer out of there after the first year, so I am at a loss as to how to advise you.
Perhaps you might get responses from other people if you described what your undergraduate degree goal is, what lsp is and what gallatin is.</p>

<p>I agree with kmcmom, why did you apply to the school of A&D?</p>

<p>I applied Michigan as a dual applicant so i actually applied also to the school of literature science and arts (which i really wanted to go) but got waitlisted
Gallatin is a school of individualized study so I get to take courses in other nyu schools and make my own major there
LSP is the liberal studies program in nyu which lasts for around two years and with a 3.0gpa or above I’ll be able to continue my other two years in gallatin
The first year in lsp my courses are kinda restricted with only one elective a semester and the courses I will have to take is more focused on the arts than sciences but the second year I’m quite free already to take courses I want</p>

<p>you should also take into account the extremely different styles of school they are. i live in NYC and can tell you most of the NYU kids i know couldn’t tell you what a “college experience” is. if you’re looking for an atmosphere where you are mainly around other college kids and get the campus-style experience NYU is NOT the place to go. you’re in new york city and people are much more concerned with making their subway ride than making friends. not to say that there aren’t students who dorm there or that NYC isn’t an incredible place to be, you just need to be fully aware of that before you go there. and once you get to NYU you’ll find that it really reflects its ranking below Michigan. Personally, I’d stay with the A&D program for the first year and talk to an adviser about your intention to transfer out so maybe they can work with you to make a schedule that doesn’t blow off all LSA requirements. it seems to be much easier to get into LSA once you’re a student than just an applicant so as long as you stay academically strong and are motivated, you should have a good shot.</p>

<p>I would agree with the above statement. I’m a student at UMich, but I’m doing a semester at NYU, and will be returning to Michigan next fall. One of the main reasons I’ve decided to go back instead of pursuing a transfer to NYU is because of the campus experience I had at Michigan. It won’t be a factor for everyone, and it might not be one for you, but it’s certainly not a bad one to consider.</p>

<p>For your A&D credits, I’m sure you can apply them as electives when you pursue your LSA major. It’s much easier from what I hear to transfer from other school to LSA.</p>

<p>Either way, you’ll be going to a great school. Best of luck with your decision!</p>

personally, how differently do you think nyu vs michigan academics reflect?
the draw of nyu for me is basically the gallatin program which u basically make ur own major and that way my options are pretty open without having to triple major/minor or sth like that. my interests currently spans over art, physics, philosophy and etc…</p>

<p>You can still take classes in art, physics, philosophy. Most majors aren’t more than 35 credits, which leaves you with plenty of time to take other classes. And since your interests are varied, you’ll have no problem fulfilling your distribution requirements. Majoring in something in college, unless if it’s in a more technical field like CS or Engineering doesn’t really mean a whole lot.</p>

<p>I’m not sure I can really speak for the academics for NYU, since I’ve only been here a semester. I’m mostly taking classes in Stern, one in Wagner, and one in Tisch. They’re alright, but I enjoyed the classes more at Michigan. Of course, I’m biased since I spent more time at Michigan and had a time to sample different areas and pick the classes I wanted.</p>

<p>I agree with Infinit. You’ll have plenty of room to take courses in other areas than your major, and your major won’t be as important unless it’s a specified area, like engineering or a BFA.</p>