Please help! The deadline to choose is all-too-rapidly approaching
. Price doesn’t matter too much since every school I got into costs the same.
My interests are kinda all over the place, but my main 3 focuses are Business, CS, and Public Health. I’m hoping either to be a quantitative analyst or an epidemiologist. Also, I might be roaming to Hong Kong or Australia in the future.
NYU Gallatin Pros:
City life. Lots of stuff to do
Better internship opportunities throughout the year
Proximity to Wall St.
Amazing study abroad programs
Grade inflation
More international prestige? My parents have told me that international employers basically throw your resume out the window if they don’t recognize the name of your Alma Mater. I feel like it’s B.S but they do hire in the industry.
NYU Gallatin Cons:
Impossible to transfer to Stern
No campus sucks. I really hate the idea. It’s isolating.
Significantly worse academic programs in STEM. The engineering school is located 30 minutes away from the actual campus which is even more lonely.
Gallatin is not for me. It’s a school where you “design your own major”, choosing your classes etc. I applied on a whim and upon further research have realized that it’s far from what I’m looking for. The main focus of Gallatin seems to be in humanities whereas STEM programs typically need more structure. I’m most likely going to be transferring out of here into CAS, Tandon, or Stern after one year.
uMich LSA Pros:
Stronger academics (especially in CS)
Honors program
Spirited community — normal college experience
Better possibility of transferring to Ross (acc. rates range form 20% to 50% depending on the year)
Better known/regarded in the U.S. It might open more doors in finance for me vs. NYU here.
uMich LSA Cons:
The answer is in your cons list. You will be happier at UM.
Not sure how that’s even a question.
In general and especially for CS, UMich LSA >>>>> NYU Gallatin.
Gallatin isn’t for STEM students and it will NOT lead you to any of your current goals since it doesn’t really work with Stern or CS. Not sure why you would even consider it. It’s better if you want to study, say, the impact of street design on urban segregation or want to do creative writing or something. You can’t really “design your own major” in CS, you need to complete specific sequences in discrete math, computation, etc + other core requirements, otherwise no employer will take you seriously. Even then it’s not exactly the same as “regular” NYU since it’s fairly isolating to be doing your “own thing”.
Ann Arbor is a FANTASTIC college town and if you’re bored there, it’s on you, you’d be bored anywhere (there’s so much to do that you cannot do everything every weekend and even weeknights).
CS at UMich will be rigorous and will lead to lots of experiences. It’ll really test your mettle. You’ll meet incredibly talented and motivated classmates interested in the same things you are AND interested in very different things, too.
What is the issue ???
If you really cannot decide between your two options, then you should consider taking a gap year to reapply to urban universities that meet your needs.
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Okay! Thank you. I think what you said definitely makes sense.
@whippymop, Michigan all the way. Tons to do in Ann Arbor (I’m a grad, but I can be critical based on the costs OOS for the school). It’s a very prestigious school, internationally, and arguably Top 3 of all public US universities.
I disagree with your parents. Google “Business insider silicon valley universities” to see where CS students get hired from. You’re going to be surprised. If you come out with a CS degree, especially Michigan, you’re going to get hired.
In your mind, sounds like you have already made the decision.
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I see. Yeah, I think I’m leaning Michigan and might commit today or tomorrow.
Is cost a consideration? If so, what’s the comparison there?
So that I’ve never heard. Nothing a 112,000 football fans on a Saturday day/evening can’t cure. And who knows, even ESPN Gameday might come to town to really spice things up.
The social part is really up to you. If you can’t find something to do well, your just not looking… Plus with 1600 clubs. Think there is something you would like to do. If your into sports playing one intermural is a lot of fun and different levels of interest from co-ed, to competitive. It’s not New York. But it’s only rated like the best city and best campus routinely…
Seem you know UM is better for you. You will get internships from there. You will study abroad from there.
Why would you go where there is no campus and ‘it sucks’. If you had two choices I wish the 2nd wasn’t NYU. it’s clearly not for you.
Good luck.
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both cost ~80k a year. I’m planning on appealing fin aid once I become a U.S resident after 1-2 academic years but I doubt I’ll get much at either school
Definitely see your point. I think what I had in mind when I said that was night life / clubbing.
true. with schools that gigantic, it’s easy to wrongfully generalize
btw, I’d like to add that I’m also interested in film. Not as a major but as a hobby
You want to be a quantitative analyst…whatever that means. Well most disciplines, even marketing today, are quantitative. Or a medical professional that requires at least a Masters degree.
I think your parents desire for you to chase a name was an unnecessary waste of funds. Both great schools but you could have gone to solid schools for much less.
You will not win aid on appeal for simple reason that NYU doesn’t meet need and you ate out of state for Michigan. Perhaps you can earn some small departmental scholarships.
There’s still solid names taking applications that cost a lot less…see Arizona for example.
Michigan seems your obvious choice here. But it’s not cheap and college always costs more than they say. Good luck.
First, Ann Arbor isn’t NYC. Second, there are bars in Ann Arbor. Actually my D went with friends to one this evening, after her final. Third, there are these houses with Greek letters on them, where students can be seen mingling and having beverages. Fourth, you won’t have much time for it, because you’ll be studying most of the time, assuming you want a high GPA. Classes aren’t easy at Michigan and the workload can be enormous.
Omg, I have the exact same dilemma between NYU Gallatin and Mich LSA!
For your goals, CS will work, so would Statistics or Data Science. UMich rocks at all 3.
You could wait for graduate school to decide if you want to switch to business, finance, business analytics, epidemiology, biostatistics, etc.
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Note that in the US you need to be 21 to go clubbing.
Some bars and clubs will organize special nights for 18-21 years old.
You’re better off with campus parties, although some may consist in kids drinking and playing drinking games, not so much dancing.