UMich Class of 2025 -- Regular Decision

They were taking about the other schools not Ross at Michigan. Good Luck!


You user name is so appropriate. Thank you


U won’t get a decision on may 1st. Thats the day we have to commit to college. The latest a college can give u a decision is mid april.

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Apparently so, but I hope it isn’t just ross.

do they only have specific dates for ross? what about nursing and other majors?

they have ross decision dates not sure about other majors since this year is different. They used to have the other waves mirror ross but not this year.

does that mean that anyone who didn’t apply to Ross won’t get a decision today or could they still release decisions from other programs as well?

There will likely be some Ross decisions today, that much is known from their BBA blog. If you’re waiting for LSA, CoE, Kinesiology, Nursing, etc., then I think the earliest release date is Friday 3/26 or Friday 4/2.

SMTD and Taubman do their own thing and release decisions on their own schedule.


Also, the entire world is waiting on UCLA (140,000 apps) to release today at around 5:00PM PST.

So maybe someone up at Michigan HQ has said, “no decisions today”, other than Ross, since UCLA doesn’t have a business school, because we don’t want to have our thunder stolen by UCLA. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


it would be kind of a bummer if i got rejected by notre dame, osu, umich on 3/26 bhahaha. if that happened, then they must’ve figured i applied to their rivals so they do not want me XD
house gonna divide soon if i got into umich anyways.

p.s. idc but nd <osu < umich


If I haven’t heard from Michigan yet, I assume that means there is no way I get a Ross decision today, right? Or is it possible that I get both today simultaneously? I’m hoping the latter is true because the next Ross date isn’t until April 16 :frowning:

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No, I don’t believe they (LSA & Ross) have simultaneous reviews and admittances.

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Does anyone know if deferred LSA students may hear today?

Review my post 3-4 posts above yours.

Actually its less because 30% are oos acceptances and 70% are in state… so oos acceptance is around 10% this year with 80k applicants

My son decided not to apply to UCLA because he likes a cold climate - only places with guaranteed snowfall are on his list! I’m not sure where I went wrong with him - I LOVE WARM WEATHER!

I wrote about overall acceptance rate, not instate versus OOS.

Not sure where you got the 70/30 info. Michigan hasn’t released any info for this year, but for last year, according to their press release:

instate acceptances = 5,038
OOS acceptances = 11,941
Total = 16,979

instate apps = 10,606
OOS apps = 54,415
Total apps = 65,021

If you assume the same number of OOS acceptances (11,941), which it should drop in theory, then OOS acceptance rate would be around 22% (11,941/54,415 OOS apps).


did you marry a canadian?

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I think the instate acceptances number should be closer to 5033. The 3542 would suggest a near 100% yield rate for in state students. The 5033 jibes with the 47.5% figure cited for in-state acceptance rate in the article and the quoted total 16,974 total offers.

In any case, the rates align with what you shared earlier.

Thank you.

Usually state schools are required to have 70% of its acceptances in state and the others are oos. This is typical for most schools like UMD, UVM, and UMass!