UMich Class of 2025 -- Regular Decision

Those are good stats. Sadly, this year, stats have been mostly out of the picture in determining the waitlist or acceptance.

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Tough year, but we can only do what we can do. It’ll work out in the end though.

Applicants who accepted our waitlist offer:
Fall 2017: 37%, or 4,124 applicants
Fall 2018: 41%, or 6,183 applicants
Fall 2019: 39%, or 5,085 applicants
Fall 2020: 48%, or 10,080 applicants

Applicants who were admitted from the waitlist:
Fall 2017: 11%, or 470 applicants
Fall 2018: 7%, or 434 applicants
Fall 2019: 2%, or 106 applicants
Fall 2020: 13%, or 1,289 applicants

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son waitlisted for engineering, after deferral from EA. OOS. Legacy. 35 ACT, 3.9 gpa. lots of AP’s and studied abroad for a semester in HS.

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I predict they will admit more people off the waitlist

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rejected, but I was honestly kind of expecting it

Just a general FYI about waitlist offers and wise words of wisdom! Please only accept if you are truly passionate about attending the UofM and WILL attend if accepted off the waitlist (especially in the 2021 admission). Don’t do it to simply throw the hat in the ring and end up not attending . I myself am declining my waitlist offer because I was admitted into a similar university with slight lower “Rankings” that I am very passionate about . I know a lot of students who had the UofM as their #1 school and got waitlisted. Save yourself and everyone else all the extra agony and time.


I’m also an international and didn’t get any notifications. I think it was only for some US applicants, as said.


Respectfully disagree…having options is of tremendous value to applicants, particularly in a process where the universities manipulate the process in their favor. Just because someone isn’t passionate today (and who would be after being waitlisted?) doesn’t mean that they won’t feel differently in a few months when it is convenient for the school to admit off the waitlist. The odds are always stacked heavily against applicants, I believe that you should keep what little odds you have and keep your options open - particularly in this crapshoot of a year.


Last year, should be asterisked. Due to Covid, yield from instate was astronomical and OOS wasn’t very good. So, UMich was hunting for OOS enrollment far more than normal.

my very personal suggestion (i agree with you, though) as someone who place umich as #1 but got wl, if ppl are not certain if they want to stay on wl, just wait until all decisions are out and they still have until may 1st to make a decision. please, i beg my fellow waitlist applicants, only immediately accept if umich is indeed your first choice. it would help both categories of ppl. just a thought

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I think this year will probably be in need of an asterisk as well. :slight_smile:


Is there another wave today?

No decision for me today

My son was admitted today. He applied EA and was deferred. No test scores.

Very happy here but my thoughts are with those that didn’t get good news. This has been a very emotional time waiting to hear from Michigan and I am sorry that others will have to wait longer or change their plans. I wish every one of our seniors could get the school they want especially after this crummy year.

I am grateful to cc for the updates and just knowing I am not alone. Thank you!


Another thing about waitlists at any university is that the FA for those admitted can be little to nonexistent. Plus the universities may give you only a few days to decide. Please keep this in mind for UM or any waitlists that you agree to join.

And yes, it completely sucks. This is going to continue through the summer.


Aww… no worries you will get ND! I am pulling for you!

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Thank you for these kind words. Much needed today. My kid was deferred EA now rejected. Legacy OOS. Congrats to those admitted!


u r the best, i guess i will pull out my notre dame sweatshirt now… and scream go irish for the first time ever in my household. best wishes on us, nd is an exceptional school, it is just sad how it is not umich for me.


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