UMich Class of 2025 -- Regular Decision

Second on this. Please give out the spot you no longer need. I’m still anxiously waiting for a decision…

Anybody has any idea when international decisions come out?

Are you international ?

My understanding is next Friday.

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Yes I am; currently in US high school though

Hello, My daughter has admit to ASU Barrett Honor program for Computer Systems Engineering (can change to CS easily) and 4 year cost will be $60K.

Also, she has admit to University of Michigan - LSA Computer Science program. Total cost will be $280K

Is Michigan worth an additional $220K? Please provide your feedback. I hate to see her take on lot of debt (If I help her with an additional $40K) Is the BS from UMich worth taking on $180K student loan?

Thanks for your honest critique and suggestions.



She can only take on $27,500 /4 years. The rest is on you but to answer simply. No… Especially for a CS major. The kids there are getting great jobs. Honors is great there, BTW.

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I know someone is thinking about dropping full price of $280K for Economics Major and business minor. Not sure if there is a business case for that? Does this major make more than CS grad? I am curious

We’re full pay, but D18 will graduate early with two minors. Mich was generous with AP credits and D18 has worked hard. My D21 is attending a public state school here in CA, which thankfully is very reasonable.

Absolutely not. I say that as a die hard Michigan fan. It’s worth it if you don’t have to change your standard of living to go there. It is worth it maybe if you only have to take on a little debt, like say $5,000/year. Over a $100,000 debt is crushing. And there is still grad school to get through. This is an easy call.


They must be able to afford it then. $180,000 at something like 2.78%(random number) is around $1750 /month x 10 years. Do you or your kid really want that? Plus apartment, plus car payment, plus food and entertainment, plus… Or wouldn’t it be better to be able to bank that payment and put it in retirement fund for 10 years.

ASU Barret has one of the best Honors colleges anywhere. That experience alone would prevent me. ;

Many, many families can cleanly afford to pay for Michigan. The avg family income is like $165,000 with like 9% making $600,000 or more (figures are out there). Many for various reasons can afford this without taking loans, mortgaging the house or dipping into retirement funds. If you or anyone reading this didn’t set up things like 529 accounts or funds for college it’s a lot of money for any degree especially if the child is responsible paying it back. It’s to me actually unfair and not good economical guidance. Don’t let them follow their heart over head. No debt is always your best debt. Any money manager will agree with this. But, if you can cleanly pay for it then great. Getting coop or internships the child can get paid for the term or summer but with CV… Many didn’t get those so don’t count on it.


A high amount of student loan debt takes away choices. Your child will necessarily be forced to choose between pursuing a high-paying career that they may not like or following their passion but scraping by for years. Do you want to force that decision on an 18-19 year old now, particularly if the child changes her or his mind during college (which we have all done)?

I took on a lot of debt in college and grad school; I was also lucky that my family helped me pay off the debt a couple of years after I started working, and that I had a high-paying job that i liked. Because of that, I set up a 529 plan for my son when he was born (and he started watching the “Baby Wolverine” DVD soon afterwards). I wanted him to have the same choices that I had. Some 18 years later, both have paid off! :+1:

Thus, IMHO, i would choose ASU. Maybe one day if both teams improve, we can see you at the Rose Bowl!


Hey guys! I was just asking if everyone received an email asking for an extra essay of continued interest like in February?

Did you?

I did. I got accepted

Just saying that that email could be an indicator

Not really. Your state flagship school will give you the same education and get you from point a to point b for a fraction of the price

And why are you responding to me?

Hi guys, Any idea when is the next wave coming? (International student)