UMich Class of 2025 -- Regular Decision

i really hope it means acceptance haha but ofc it does not matter until official decisions are out. fingers crossed :))

Does it say that on the enrollment connect portal?

what are the chances of getting into Ross if i have already gotten into LSA? hoping for the best for my decision in 2 weeks.

so it shows in the left column in portal, click “required documents” under “action items” then it would show that “x Awaiting Final High School Transcript” and it shows checklist incomplete on the right column

In enrollment connect?


I’d say it bodes well, as I do not have that, and think I will be rejected

Hey, guys I just had a quick question. Did anyone here participate in the Ross All-Access Weekend Program? It was a program that you had to apply to and the program was sort of like a fly-in program. Do you think participating in this program would increase the chance of getting accepted into Ross or does it make no difference?

hey! was it a selective program or were many people admitted? if it was selective id say it can help

Im not sure exactly how selective it was. I believe there were around 30 people in the program. I don’t know the acceptance rate but people did get rejected from the program meaning that everyone who applied didn’t automatically get in.

this may sound very cheesy but think positive haha. we would not be rejected until the official letter said so, not mentioning my stats is below umich standards… i feel like maintain a little hope but not too much hope on every school is the best state to be before decisions come. we got this and hopefully we will end up at our dream schools.

edit: I did not make it to nyu ed2 (wl), which sounds awful since nyu is quite lenient on ed apps. but it actually gives me a valuable opportunity to reexamine my relationship with nyu, i am actually looking more forward to nyc and have not much interest in nyu. I withdraw from the waitlist and did end up accepted to one of my top school three days afterward. Rejection/deferral/waitlist sucked for sure but the best is yet to come and the sun will rise as normal.

your friend,


This is so positive. You’re amazing :sob:. I hope you end up somewhere that makes you happy :slight_smile:


does anyone else have the same thing as BestOfLuckYall?

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How low is the acceptance rate for OOS CS program?


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Am I the only one nervous for tomorrow! Possible decision day 🥲


me too haha. i wish i can get a decision as soon as possible yet do not even want see myself getting rejected by my dream school. ugh.


nope! my expectations are really low, though, so I’m not feeling the same kind of anxiety i have with previous decisions


and i am so sorry to bother you @sushiritto , but do u think umich would possibly release some decisions tomorrow? thanks.


I feel the same exact way! Haha best of luck to you :blush: