UMich Class of 2025 -- Regular Decision

I don’t think so. It’s not impossible, but highly likely. I believe the earliest potential date for the next wave is Friday 3/26.

Sorry, but you never know.


If anyone ends up getting a decision today, please let us all know!


very weird as my app checklist no longer shows x final high school transcript as i have it yesterday and it is marked as complete today. maybe a decision today or it was a glitch but i honestly do not know anything… i am feeling so weird


Good luck!!! You’re gonna do amazing no matter what… keep us updated! I am still waiting from a decision from UMich LSA :slight_smile:

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ah thanks good luck to u as well. i am freaking out in zoom class rn

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nothing here at 3:01 maybe not today.

none here either

Me neither


blank screen here as well

Blank screen for me too

Blank screen for me as well

Does anyone not have “#admitreplybutton” within the source code of their enrollment connect page?

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Were you accepted? I do not have that.

No, I have not been accepted, people last year were talking about it before decisions, I was just wondering if it had some validity. But if you don’t have it I wouldn’t worry about it. I can’t imagine it’s really anything.

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I have not received my decision yet but I also have this in my source code

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Awaiting decision - we have the “#admitreplybutton” within the source code but doesn’t everyone? If they think they don’t maybe they just don’t know where to look.


Ohhhh okay cool, just curious where do you find the source code?

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Type this into the search bar: view-source:Login
if that doesn’t work then just type “view-source:” before your link to enrollment connect.

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Okay thank you!!

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