Umich nursing?! Help?!

Hey guys! I’m interested in University of Michigan’s wonderful nursing school.
Could you guys give me any info on accepted students stats!!
What are the average stats?
If you were admitted/rejected/or deferred, could you please post your stats (GPA, test scores, ect.)
Did you have any amazing hooks?
What advice do you have for students that are applying?

Bump :slight_smile:

Any stats would be appreciated:)


Daughter accepted ED. 3.86/4.35 GPA and 1480 w/o writing 2170 with SAT. ECs volunteers at hospice, Special Olympice World games, Dance Team, two jobs tutoring 10 hours weekly, teaching dance weekly. 3 hrs.

Thanks! @WLVMOM

Who else has some stats? :slight_smile:

If you go to the regular U. of Michigan page on this website, you can probably find posts from last year and the year before where applicants listed their stats and whether they were admitted or not. Just search for the nursing majors.

I applied to UM School of Nursing( Early Action) for fall of 2016
I have a 3.97 GPA and 28 ACT
I have taken
AP Chem
AP Physics
AP Calc AB
Currently taking
AP Psychology
AP Biology
AP Calc BC
Along with other advanced classes ( but not AP) and classes related to the field of nursing
I also volunteer at a doctors office 2x a week.
I am an instate student who goes to a competitive high school ( in top 10% of my class)
I was deferred.
My advice is to stay positive and do the best that you can do! No matter where you go to school you can be a great nurse someday I am still hopeful that I will be accepted to UMSN, it is my dream school!

I applied to UM nursing as well! (out of state + admitted)
32 ACT and a 3.7 GPA
Just make sure that your interest in the school really comes through in your essays!

This is awesome guys! Thanks!
Who else has some stats? :slight_smile:

@kalokiss your ACT is amazing! A 32 is my aim since it is in the mid 50 or better for all of the schools I’m interested in. I’m taking it in February and at least one more time after that.
What is your advice for studying? What did you do, and what do you think works best?

@c011e9e omg thanks so much!!! you’re actually like the only person who has ever said that about my score… yea sort of depressing.
For the ACT, I first figured out which sections were my weakest sections and which ones were my stronger ones and then distributed my time accordingly. ( I had like 3 weeks to prep…)
For me, reading was the easiest (35) so I didn’t do any practice problems for that and focused on math and science.
Books I used:

  • Princeton review math and science prep book
  • Red ACT book
  • Princeton review ACT ( I didn’t do the problems for this one. I just wrote down all the math formulas needed and some of the grammar rules so that I could review them before the test)
    You don’t have to do the problems in order (math + science) but keep note of which ones you did do. I felt that jumping around and finishing the easier problems first made the whole test go a lot faster. I had time to check a few answers.
    Good luck! Don’t procrastinate like I did.

I applied to University of Michigan School of Nursing for Regular Decision. I got a 30 on the ACT and have a 3.71/4.67 GPA.

English Honors
Biology Honors

English Honors
Chemistry Honors (weighted)
AP European History

AP Calc AB
English Honors (weighted) *my school did not have AP Lang until my senior year
AP Biology
AP United States History

AP Calc BC
AP Government
AP Economics
AP Chemistry
AP Psychology
AP Literature

I attend an out of state high school full of academically diverse students. My school offers 19 AP classes. Some take all or close to all of the AP courses, others take none. My year is smaller than other years, so it is insanely difficult to get to the top 10%; I was in the top 14% when I applied to U-M, but now I’m in the top 10%. Getting into Ivy Leagues and getting merit scholarships to such schools is considered nbd.

As for extra curriculars, I am a part of Key Club, California Scholarship Federation, and Chamber Orchestra, where I am section leader for the violins. Basically, I don’t have much going for me, but surprisingly, I got accepted.

I think my essays helped me get in. I did not have a tutor or have any help; in fact, I wrote it two days before they were due. Irresponsible of me, I know.

So in conclusion, I think you should remain optimistic. If I can get in, I’m sure you have a chance too! Good luck!

@synprk741 thank you for your response! Congratulations on your acceptance!! Will you be attending in the fall?
Where else did you apply, and what were the decisions?

hello! i just got my acceptance two days ago and I applied for regular decision.
I got a 2280 for SAT (2340 super score) and have a 3.85 gpa
In my junior year I took AP Language, Chemistry, and Calculus AB and this year as a senior I am taking AP Literature, Biology, and Stats.
As for extra curriculars, I did not do any school clubs, but I have been on 3 global mission trips with my church and hold leadership positions in church as well. I volunteered in a music program and a Korean American service organization for all of high school and have been volunteering at Kaiser since the beginning of my senior year.

As for the essays, I wrote about how my church shaped who I am and taught me leadership skills while also being my second home for the prompt about community. For the prompt asking about why I chose umich, I really recommend researching the school and the nursing program as much as possible and finding points that relate to your interests and your experiences. For example, I looked into the global program umich offers and wrote how going on missions to Mexico, Guatemala, and Colombia has really helped me appreciate different cultures and how I would love to travel abroad to learn more about nursing. Try not to write a really generic essay that anyone else could write.

I hope this helps and good luck!!

Hi! I just heard back a couple of days ago and was accepted. I was supposed to apply EA but my school didn’t send transcripts in time so they put me in the RD pool. Here’s my stats from a previous post.

My Mich Essays – the one activity I couldn’t live without is violin because it’s my passion. For the community one, I wrote about how as a senior student in violin, it is my responsibility to act as a role model and teacher to younger students, and I tied that into my desire to go into pediatric nursing because teaching is what made me realize I want to work with and help kids in my professional life. My UMich essay was pretty bad actually, I’m not sure how I was accepted… I wrote about why I wanted to go into nursing in more depth – I’ve dealt with debilitating chronic illness for 2.5 years now, and my brother is on the autistic spectrum – and then I kind of generally said “UMich has a fantastic program and I’d love to be taught by expert faculty and the Clinical Learning Center is really cool”. I really really should have done my research more but oh well somehow the admissions gods favored me haha :slight_smile:

Hope I helped a bit and good luck!!

Decision: Accepted


SAT I (breakdown): 2200 (CR: 740, M: 740, W: 720)
ACT (breakdown): -
SAT II: Biology 720
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
Weighted GPA: 4.16
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): School doesn’t rank
AP: Biology (4), AP Psychology (5), APUSH (4), AP Language and Composition (5)
IB: -
Senior Year Course Load: Honors Organic Chemistry, AP English Literature, AP French, Ceramics, AP Calc AB
Major Awards: -


Extracurriculars: NHS, NFHS, Team Unify Secretary, Playing violin for 12 years, Founding a nonprofit
Job/Work Experience: Founding a nonprofit, teaching violin to kids
Volunteer/Community service: Fouding a nonprofit, at least 100+ hours volunteering at the local temple
Summer Activities: Violin camps
Essays: My Common App essay was probably 8/10. It could have used a bit more sophisticated language in hindsight but the content was good, it was about violin and how it’s affected me as a person.
Teacher Recommendation: One is 10/10, another is probably 7/10.
Counselor Rec: 10/10
Additional Rec: My violin teacher, 10/10


Applied for Financial Aid?: Yes
State (if domestic applicant): NJ
Country (if international applicant):
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: Indian
Gender: F
Income Bracket: > $200,000
Hooks: none


Strengths: My extracurriculars beyond a doubt, my generic Common App essay, and the reasons I chose Nursing as a profession – I had a rough time dealing with a chronic illness from sophomore-senior years.
Weaknesses: Grades!!! B/c of that chronic illness I couldn’t go into school and was home-bound, so that really affected my grades. My SAT is probably only in the mid range for Ann Arbor too. My Mich-specific essays weren’t great either.
Why you think you were accepted: No idea! I think probably my generic common app essay was good, and my extracurriculars.
Where were you accepted/deferred/rejected: Accepted: UPitt, Rutgers, TCNJ, UMich, Case Western, Deferred: UPenn, Waiting on: USC, UCLA, UCSD, UCI

@c011e9e Thank you!! I’m not sure if I’ll be attending because it’s so expensive for out-of-state students. I’ve applied to all the UC’s except for UC Merced, Boston University, Occidental, USC, and University of Rochester. I’ve gotten an acceptance from UCR Honors Program with an automatic $5,000 scholarship, and have been waitlisted from UC Davis. I’m still waiting for the rest, which should come in the next few weeks!

gpa uw: 3.86ish
weighted: 4.09
sat: 2300
didnt send in aps
no subject tests
activities: journalism 2 years, orchestra 3 years, church volunteer 4 years, bible class ta 4 years, random club positions at school, senior home volunteer starting senior year
top 15% of class, asian, from california
idk i barely did any nursing related activities/didnt have any aps/subjects tests to help my chances so im guessing my sat and essays helped the most
for the umich supplement, the way i figured out what to write was go directly to the umich nursing website and pull out all the good things about it and mentioned it in my essay
(makes it seem like youve been dreaming/researching about umich your whole life)
good luck :slight_smile: