UMKC 6 year B.S./M.D. program vs. UMiami HPME program?

<p>So i was accepted into both umkc and umiami. I liked umiami better as a school in general, and there is no doubt that miller school of medicine is the better of the two. In fact, i believe that umiami is better in every aspect, except their program requirements. I am cautious of Umiami only because they need a 3.7 gpa and a 31 on their mcat. I think i should be able to maintain it, but if i don't, then that would be horrible. Umkc only requires a 3.0 gpa and they do not need the MCAT. Do you have any feedback. Im stuck between the two.</p>

<p>If you got into the program, it’s not very likely that your GPA or MCAT score will be a problem. That being said, if you want to take the safe route it won’t really hurt you because all medical schools essentially have the same curriculum (or so I’ve been told; don’t burn me at the stake if someone else says this isn’t true :stuck_out_tongue: ). Unless you’re looking for a really competitive residency, of course.</p>

<p>Edit: And, of course how could I forget to congratulate you? Congratulations!</p>

<p>i would dedinitely pick U Miami in ur position, their program is fantastic and plus the location and reputation of the school is unbeatable when compared to UMKC. UMKC may be the safer option but I think u would enjoy urself more at Miami…</p>

<p>I’m going to say pick Miami’s HPME cuz I"M IN ITTT </p>

<p>GO HURRICANES []_[]</p>

<p>no but seriously, the MCAT score should be no problem: the school will prepare you well with the classes you take. The 3.7 GPA also will not be hard to maintain seeing as you’ve been admitted to the program already! Just don’t slack off or blow off your classes :)</p>

<p>wowowoow! can i ask what your guys’ stats were for high school?</p>