UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

Does anyone know if it is true that the grades on transfer credit don’t contribute to your GPA? I read this somewhere and I’m not sure if it was right… Please let me know!!

Yes, MaJaHa, you are correct, grades from transfer credit (classes you took at a community college or another university outside of the University of Missouri system) do not contribute GPA only credit: [University</a> of Missouri - Kansas City : Transfer and External Sources of Credit](<a href=“]University”>

Mmmm the first summer is nice if you aren’t taking orgo.

Your summers will be nice if you don’t enter this low-tier combined degree program at all. You still have to take Cell Bio in the summer, unless you enroll in Cell Bio in the fall semester in Year 1.

Hi I am applying to this program this year and was wondering how important volunteering is for this program or i guess a better question is what kind of service are they generally looking for?
I by far do not have crazy research hours and shadowing but I will have over 300+ hours of volunteering at a hospital…and I have volunteered in almost every department. Is that enough??

Can someone explain to me what really happens in year 4? Is this time fully set aside to complete undergrad classes, or is this time also supposed to go towards prepping for boards and things like that?

I’ve just started my second year, and need some assistance.

In your 4th year, you’ll get one semester (either summer, fall, or spring) to complete your bachelor credits. In your 4th year, you will also take behavioral science (1 month), family medicine (1 month), DoRo (Internal medicine, 2 months), Pharmacology (2 months, either Jun/Jul or Oct/Nov). Meanwhile, you will prepare for your Step 1 exam (you have to pass the CBSE exam before the school clears you to sit for Step 1), which you’ll take in Spring or the following summer.

For example, you could have summer (Jun/Jul) campus semester to complete your bachelor credits, Aug Behavioral Science, Sept Family Medicine, Oct/Nov Pharm, Dec. elective, Jan/Feb Study months to take a Live-Prep Retreat Kaplan Board Prep course, March take Step 1 while on Vacation, Apr/May DoRo. This is just an example, you don’t really get to choose when you take each course, but you can make requests.

Most students take Step 1 sometime between March-July. Not everyone takes a Kaplan course. You’re allowed a total of one vacation month, and 2 study months.


Are you serious that Pharmacology at UMKC is only 2 months long or was that a typo? Most of the schools that I’ve looked at that have the traditional separate courses have Pharmacology as a semester long (5 months) and the ones that are organ system based have Pharmacology spread out through 1 or 2 years as each organ system is covered.

Why do UMKC students take a Kaplan commercial prep course to begin with? Does the coursework alone at UMKC not prepare them well enough for the USMLE? Did you do a Kaplan course?

Well I suppose that my chance to apply to this program has come at last! I am hoping that you all could tell me what you think my chances of getting in/getting an interview are based on the listed stats.




-People to People (Europe)
-Student Council Representative
-Teacher Council (Student Representative)
-Board of Civic Education Meeting with Mr. Russell Sackreiter (Only student chosen
from freshman class at Jefferson Junior High School)
-We the People State Debate (first place in all categories)
-Small Group Bible Study
-Member of K-Life of Columbia


-Fellowship of Christian Athletes
-Future Doctors of America
-Junior Classic League (Latin Club)
-Young Republicans Club
-Bruin Pride Award
-Tomorrows Health Care Elite (University of Missouri)
-Tomorrows Health Care Elite Scholarship winner
-HOSA (Healthcare Occupations Students of America)–1st place in medical quiz bowl
(state level)
-HOSA Biomedical Debate–2nd place
-Volunteer at the University of Missouri Hospital (50 hours)
-Small Group Bible Study
-Member of K-Life of Columbia


-Junior Leadership Columbia Chamber of Commerce
-HOSA State Vice-President Chair
-Young Republicans Club
-Big Brother/Big Sisters Volunteer
-Rock Bridge Reaches Out
-Volunteer at The Crossing Church
-Volunteer in the laboratory of Frederick vom Saal-University of Missouri (studying the
effects of Bisphenol A on fetuses)
-Statewide Stock Market Game–Member of 1st place team
-Small Group Bible Study
-Member of K-Life of Columbia
-Work as Barista at The Crossing Church


-Big Bothers Big Sisters
-Rock Bridge Reaches out
-Voluntary action center board member
-Continued Research in the lab of Frederick vom Saal-University of Missouri


Grades, Test Scores, and other stats


ACT: 32

Math: 32
Science: 35
English: 28
Reading: 33

GPA : 3.865
Rank: 56/540

Here is a screen shot of my transcript from my freshman through Junior year:

[transcript</a> Pictures, transcript Images, transcript Photos, transcript Videos - Image - ■■■■■■■ - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting](<a href=“http://■■■■■■■.com/r/29lekna/3]transcript”>http://■■■■■■■.com/r/29lekna/3)


Senior Schedule:


-AP Psychology
-AP Chemistry
-AP Literature
-Technical Theater
-Teachers Assistant
-Internship @ The University of Missouri




-I am a Missouri resident
-Both of my parents are alumni of this program (this isn’t really a plus or minus but i feel that its worth mentioning)

If I am leaving anything out please let me know.

Pretty much I just want to know my chances of getting an interview/getting in and/or anything that I should be doing to better prepare myself for this program.

Any feed back is appreciated.

Breaking Dawn


We have several “self-paced pharmacology” courses we take in addition to the 2 month long Pharm course. You take an “intro to pharm” during the fall of your year 3 (while you’re in micro and neuro), the 2 month long course in your Year 4, and then several separate independent-study pharm courses paired with your core rotations in Year 5 and 6 to build on top of the foundation you got the previous years. The 2 month-long pharm course is one of UMKC SOM’s best courses (the other is Microbiology). You have to also keep in mind that this is an accelerated program, so it is set up differently from traditional medical schools.

Not everyone takes Kaplan courses; some students choose to take the courses because our schedule allows us to, and because there is also a Kaplan center conventiently located nearby. How you prepare is your preference. I took the Kaplan Live-prep retreat course because I liked the idea of studying in a highly structured environment where you don’t have to worry about cooking or cleaning your room, but again, that was just my preference.


In looking at the descriptions of the Self-Paced Pharm curriculum both from Googling and from the article: [The</a> University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine: T… : Academic Medicine](<a href=“The University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine: T... : Academic Medicine”>The University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine: T... : Academic Medicine)

<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;

These are just independent study online classes to “interdigitate” with your clerkships - not basic science classes for Step 1. Your 2 month class in Year 4 is your basic science coursework for Step 1 for Pharmacology.

Yes, while I realize this is an accelerated program, as you know - the accelerated part is the undergraduate portion in which your undergraduate degree is about 1.5 to 2 years. The “medical school” portion is still 4 years long, just like all other medical schools. A program can have any compressed curriculum that it wants. The issue is whether this benefits or hurts students. Based on UMKC’s board scores, in comparison to other places both with and without Bachelor/MD programs who also take Step 1 - it seems that it hurts students.

While I realize not everyone takes a commercial Kaplan course (that is really more taken by international students and Caribbean students) - whether it’s due to scheduling, or finances, etc. It’s just amazing to me that to prepare for boards that you had to pay $5,599 for a course to fly somewhere else - just for the luxury of a “structured environment” in a hotel where you don’t have to do housework: [Kaplan</a> Step 1 LivePrep Retreat](<a href=“]Kaplan”>404 File not Found | Kaplan Test Prep), when UMKC students have nearly a year to study for the USMLE Step 1 AND as an AMERICAN med student. Even if its any of their other Kaplan course options, most American medical students don’t and don’t need to take these courses. At other medical schools I’ve visited, their school courses are taught so well that none of them have to take a commercial prep course to have that information retaught to them like you did, and in fact, most don’t have the time (as they get only several weeks after MS-2 to take it, or can’t afford it)

I’ll ask again, but my question is did you feel that your UMKC coursework ALONE BY ITSELF would have been enough to prepare you for USMLE Step 1? It’s ok if it wasn’t. I’m trying to assess the quality of the basic science curriculum at UMKC without outside help from Kaplan.


I was wondering what makes a typical UMKC acceptee? Do many people have amazing extracurriculars or are they mostly concerned with grades/ACT? Thanks alot.

from what i have heard its both. They are looking for well rounded students.

Hey can somebody please direct me to where I can get the supplement application for the UMKC bs/md program…Thanks

I’m an out-of-state student (from CA) applying for the 6-year B.A.M.D program

Weighted GPA - 4.28
Unweighted GPA - 3.67
class rank - 59/428 ='(

very competitive high school (because of the IB program)

ACT composite: 35
english - 35
math - 35
reading - 32
science 36
(english/writing - 31) I got an 8 on the essay ='(

math IIc - 800
physics - 780
chemistry - 750

national merit commended

Middle Years Program Diploma (9th-10th) w/ completion of Personal Project

Expecting to graduate with Full IB Diploma

IB tests: (out of 7)
IB math 2 SL - 6
IB economics SL - 6
IB Spanish SL - pending
IB History HL - pending
IB Biology HL - pending
IB English HL - pending

12th grade schedule: (hardest possible schedule, except math which has one level above it)
AP Calculus
IB English 2
IB Theory of Knowledge
IB Global Studies (history) HL
IB Spanish 2 SL
IB Biology 2


Certificate of Merit - Piano - lvl. 5
6 years experience in mallet instruments
National History Day (1 year) - regional finalist, state finals competitor
Quiz Bowl B Team - two years
Science Bowl C team captain - 1 year (going at it again this year, hope to make B team)
Science Olympiad B team member - 1 year (going at it again this year)
Member of National Forensics League (debate) - 2 years
won 1st place novice public forum debate at Yuba City HS Tournament
Quiz Bowl Officer: Tournament Chair 1 year (going at it again this year)
Model United Nations Officer: Treasurer (1 year)
Co-founder of UTSAV Youth Group
President of UTSAV Youth Group
Internship with UC Davis medical center Pathology dept. 100+ hours

Community Service:

approximately 230 hours comm. service
FLASH program - (2 years) mentoring/tutoring elementary/middle school kids
Library community service - (4 years) book shelving; upgrading children’s books record-keeping system on FPL library catalog; Summer Reading Program volunteer

UTSAV Youth Group (2 years) - organized coat drive for a local women’s/children’s shelter; organized Spring Clean-Up event for local park; organized fundraiser for same shelter listed above; organized cooking event for said shelter, currently organizing Christmas toy drive

please let me know!! much thanks

“please let me know!! much thanks”

Let you know what, there was no question anywhere in that post.

^ there kinda was at the beginning, about chances.

Hey sorry, I had the question in the header.

I was asking anyone if they could chance me =D

Hi. I’m a sophomore in high school. I’m a Missouri resident, and hoping to get into this program. One of the problems I have is that I come from a small rural school with relatively no AP programs (I think there might be ONE) But our school does have dual credit with UCM. Should I apply to the Bryant’s Scholars at MU if I don’t make it to UMKC? I was also wondering if you could chance me.
My stats are:

GPA: 3.775
ACT Score: 28 (as a freshman; going to take again)
Ranking: 8/83 (usually 5/83;will go up soon)

Advanced Bio (possible dual credit)
Alg II

Plan to take:
Advanced Chemistry (dual-credit)
Anatomy and Physiology
College Algebra (Dual-credit)
Calculus (Dual-credit)

I am going to take college classes in the summers before college.

Foreign Language Club
Math Club
NJHS Former Member
Reading Club
Humanities Club
Science Olympiad

And there’s other stuff that I’m probably forgetting. I was also wondering if you guys have any advice for preparing like shadowing, volunteering, experience, etc. Thank you very much. I truly appreciate it.

Structure Function!!! Is it necessary for me to buy all 58 books on the book list?? What in the world do I need 5 different anatomy text books for?

To all kids who apply and post their stats: My stats were completely awful compared to yours. Like 3.6 GPA, 31 ACT, Barely any APs or extra curricular activities, and here I am for some reason in the middle of year 2.

My advice to you, if you all have good stats like that: Don’t come here. Apply to a better program, or go 4 + 4, and slow down your lives just a bit.