UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

when are apps due guys? Thanks!

Yet it was a point which you obviously missed. The point was that BA/MD students and MD-only students do in fact get nearly a full year after basic sciences is nearly done, to take their Step 1 boards, that other students at any other medical school DON’T get, as you had said,

So although you may disagree, you DO in fact have a study year. Which as apparent from your 2001 statistic of being below the national mean score, is still not enough, oh but wait, that’s bc everyone is a slacker and doesn’t study, except a few people, right? Is that the best excuse you could come up with?

The only “clinical” rotations you take during that time, which is on your school’s website, is Internal Medicine for 2 months and Family Medicine for 1 month. The only basic science classes you have are Pharmacology for 2 months and Behavioral Science for 1 month = 3 months. Bachelor classes to finish a Liberal Arts degree or Electives (which is 5-6 months right there) are hardly taxing on the med student psyche to where you can’t study for boards - actually that’s what it’s for.

[Office</a> of Curriculum - Duke University School of Medicine ::](<a href=“]Office”>

Duke has their basic sciences in a year, bc their entire curriculum is more vertically aligned along 5 modules, but who cares for context and accuracy, right?

The reason it’s in a year is because they do clinical rotations right after, and do a scholarly experience year in which they “spend 10 – 12 months in a scholarly experience. A thesis manuscript for publication in a peer-reviewed journal or a grant application following the prescribed guidelines of the Third Year Committee is required of all students.”

It’s not just the condensing of classes that makes UMKC subpar - so it’s hardly my being “hung up” on it. Yet you think that’s the central problem, so please keep telling yourself that. At least you were at least honest to state that UMKC is no where on par with Duke.

I apologize if you were somehow led to believe that I would have something “official” to “prove” to you, like a school newsletter, a certificate, a plaque, a Golden Ticket from a Willy Wonka chocolate bar, etc. mentioning the USMLE Step 1 average score. I never said that. As I clearly said before, I asked when my parents and I were going on the medical school tour before interview season started, we asked questions and as mentioned in this thread, tried to get answers to what’s been recommended here: [Selecting</a> a Medical School: Thirty-Five Questions I Wish I Had Asked - Applying to Medical School - AAMC](<a href=“]Selecting”>, to #9 and everything else. Yes, initially we got a vague, we are at the national pass rate for U.S. medical schools BS, but we persisted in asking more specificially, what is the average USMLE Step 1 score, and we got the answer. It wasn’t just at UMKC either, by the way. I asked the same for other med schools. Specific questions, get you specific answers if you are persistent.

You are correct, as by them telling me and then by me telling you - it still would be hearsay, since you weren’t physically present to hear it. I didn’t realize things had to follow courtroom procedure for you.

I never said that UMKC was on probation or lost it’s accredidation, although it may have been close to being so in the distant past. I thoroughly evaluated the program, and had much more important concerns about it, and concluded it to be a lackluster program (even if I would be classified as in-state), and thus turned down the acceptance even with the six year benefit and “saving” 2 years, no MCAT, and getting to skip most premed requirements.

Thank you and I wish you the best of luck as well.

“I’m not sure why this school is continually being slammed for having low USMLE scores. Why would we expect the scores to be high or even above average? It’s a school that takes mainly high school kids and not even the best high school kids at that. Even if it had the greatest teaching in the world, with the quality of students it has (no offense to anyone there), the USMLE scores would still not be above average…If you’re a school that takes high school kids with an average ACT score of 29-30, why would you expect these kids to turn out into med students that produce 220-230+ USMLE scores?”

Although I agree with your general sentiment with regards to the school, where has there been a correlation between ACT scores and USMLE scores? MCAT and undergraduate science GPA, of course, but a high school college entrance exam?

I applied for early notification this year for the 6 year program and still haven’t heard anything about an interview. Have any of you guys gotten anything back from them yet? I’m beginning to panic a little…

^I haven’t gotten anything back either.

yea, i got a letter from UMKC undergrad that said they are forwarding the application materials to the med school

^Yep I got one yesterday.

^^^what? ■■■■■!!!

Good luck to all those applying. Just as an aside, our most recent MSAC (basically the med school student government) meeting included a note that UMKC’s Step I score matched the national average…or maybe it was a couple of points higher. Granted, this is not spectacular, but it isn’t terrible, either.

I’m interviewing on Jan. 13th

wait, when did you get notification?

^He/She must have applied before october 15; the notifications come out earlier for them. If you applied by the normal deadline (i think that was november 1), then you’ll find out some time soon (the site says december to january, so don’t worry about it)

Do we find out by mail or email?

I think email… if you “signed” the e-consent thing in the app (which I think you had to)

Yeah I applied before October 15th so I heard back about two weeks ago from an email. If you signed the e-consent and get the interview then you will get an email, if you didn’t sign the e-consent or didn’t get an interview then you will get a letter in the mail

okay, cool, congrats by the way

I applied on October 31 - a day before the deadline - so may I still find out about an interview acceptance if I haven’t gotten anything yet by email?

when are we supposed to recieve an/a email/mail stating whether or not we got the interview?

also any current student or student who has given the interview please pm me?


That must be just for 2010 (hardly a trend) for those, who just took the boards, the Class of 2012. The USMLE average for this year was 222 - if you see UVa’s website and click under 2010: [Medical</a> Student Handbook](<a href=“]Medical”>