UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

Hey good luck to all the applicants applying this year.
To all those that are asking about the interview dates, I am a year 1 student, and I got my email notification last year around January 8th, so it should be coming soon!

^Oh, I appreciate you telling this! It’s often frustrating how some schools only give rough approximations!

Does anyone know of any common questions that are asked during the interviews?

Usually they ask you some of the following questions:
Why do you want to pursue medicine? If medicine did not work out, what is it that you would be doing? What would you do if you suddenly found yourself failing at a med school course? What do you feel is your biggest weakness coming into the program? What is your biggest strength? Why do you want to do a combined degree program instead of a traditional 4+4 path? Why did you decide to apply or Why do you want to attend UMKC? Name one weakness and one strength you believe this program has? What would you contribute to the UMKC community if you were accepted into this program?

One current event question: Do you think universal health care is a good idea? For this question there is no right or wrong answer, its your opinion. Someone correct me if I’m wrong but from what I understand they just want to see if you say yes or no and then support your answer. So don’t give a wishywashy answer like: it is kind of a good idea but not really. Plus if you say its a bad idea in your application, don’t change that.

They also have your essays, short answer, and resume in front of them so they ask you a few questions from that as well:
Tell me more about this particular internship? I see that you have done debate for all 4 years…how do you believe that has helped you? Why did you decided to solve this problem in question 2 the way you did? Do you think you would be comfortable leading a team of people? How well do you work in a group dynamic…do you usually take the leadership…do you stand back and let someone else take charge? If you were introduced as a leader to a new team…how would you approach this situation? You mentioned in your essay that you have lots of doctors in your family…do you think this has affected your decision to pursue medicine? etc etc.

Last year there were 2 interviews, each one was 30 min (I think) and they are either with a UMKC Selection Committee members, a faculty member at the SOM, a doctor, or a current medical student (rare case last year).

Anyways, the biggest advice I would give to current/future applicants is be yourself, they are not trying to make this hard on you. Pretend its a normal conversation, let them know who you are as a person and you’ll be fine.

What is the narrative about? I mean, what is it like in general?

I vaguely remember what it was about, but it was something along the lines of if you were a doctor and you were traveling or something and all of sudden someone collapsed, would you go help them, or something about do you think it is your moral responsibility to help that person even if you were not on call, etc. I could be wrong but that is what I remember of the prompt. I asked around before my interview last year, and most people told me it usually something that you generally have an opinion about and can write about decently. Its not some complicated clinical case that you have to solve, if that’s what you are worried about.

Blugrn6: Since you are a first year student, would you mind telling us your stats? I’m nervous mine are not good enough to even get me an interview

Sure if you really thing it will make you feel better. I just have to say though that they don’t have formula, they really do look at every applicant from a case-by-case basis. So just because I got in does not mean that if you don’t have the same stats that you don’t have a chance.

Anyways, here it is:
ACT: 33
SAT: 2200
EC’s: Debate, Speech, Student Government Math Team (all 4 years), Tennis and XC for 2 years -ish
AP: Bio 5 Calc BC 5 Micro 4 Gov 4 AP US 4 AP Euro 4 Chem 4, I took lit but did not take the test
Health related activities: 300 hours at local hospital ER, 100 hours of shadowing a physician (internal medicine) and 300 hours at internship/summer program spent time at various departments (cardio lab, micro lab, ER, General med clinic, patient relations and neurology clinic)
GPA: 3.85/4, 5.67/5 (weighted)
Class Rank 21/463(?) I don’t remember the exact number of ppl in my graduating class

so, are the narratives more like moral issues? As long as you back your opinion up, are you fine? Also, I’m worried that they will ask me a question about something like healthcare or something like stem cell resarch and I dont want to look dumb. Any advice?

You’re not going to look dumb…they know that you have not done extensive research on that topic, well unless you claim that you are an expert in your application. As long as you know the general story and answer the question with a definite opinion, taking one side or the other and backing up your answer you should be fine.

I was just wondering what current students opinions were on this program. I have heard that the school produces primary physicians. Is there a possibility of kids graduating from here and specializing?

What is there to do in Kansas City. I’m excited about the food there. :slight_smile:

^congrats congrats. Damn. Do we all get interview notifications the same day? should I assume rejection? lol

Grats! I’m still waiting for mine (if it ever comes). I called UMKC Med today and they said they’ll be mailing out notifications until the half of the month.

@bsing2md why would that mean rejection? Anyway, I received the interview notifcation last year.

Also those who received an interview, what are your stats and where are you from?

wait amylilygrl… by mail? I thought it was going to be by email?

To above: I got a letter from UMKC a while back saying that if you are qualified to be interviewed, then they will send you an email. But, if you are rejected, you will get a letter in the mail. Unless you did not sign an e-consent, then either will be through mail only.

ohh got it got it, what were ur stats, if u dont mind sharing

so, if the question about healthcare was asked, what would be a model response? how long should it be and what should we include since there is so much?

what were your stats?