UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

Anyone interviewing on the 13th!? I’m really nervous!


Out of State. NJ

SATs: 1830
ACTs: 28
GPA: 3.96/4
APs: Only 3 Offered in School, Take All

Experience: Medical Science Program in School with a Med School. Over 1000 Hours of Community Service. Volunteer EMT, Hospital, Blood Drive Coordinator, Health Camps, etc. Medical Science (HOSA) State Officer. Won numerous medical competitions.

Other Stuff: President of my class (4 years), officer roles in all clubs, singer, dancer, actor, musician (bagpipes), and ALOT of other stuff.

Offered an interview. (Early Action Applicant- Oct. 15)

Starting to get really nervous D: No interview yet! Here are my stats:

ACT: 33
GPA: weighted/unweighted- 4.47/3.97 (on he transcript I sent them…it’s higher now)
Rank: 6/521
APs: 10 by the time I graduate

Experience (this is what I’m REALLY afraid of): Just started hospital and nursing home volunteering senior year, have shadowed my family doctor ONCE for like 3 hours, Couple of Science Olympiad State medals (more ‘science’ than medical’), helped organize a charity (we only made a couple hundred)…no leadership roles…

Oh and I made like 6546456 mistakes on my application (spelling, grammar, you name it…I don’t know what happened, I usually don’t :[ )

I’m not in-state, but resident! Maybe that’ll help?

Oh, I applied to the Nov. 1 deadline

I was wondering about the Toledo chemistry exam that you have to take when you get there. I’m aware that it does not affect your chances of admission there and that it is only used for placement purposes. However, I wanted to study for it before I go. I haven’t taken chemistry since sophomore year and I have forgotten a lot of it. Any tips on what I should brush up on? I imagine there will be some questions about balancing equations and basic things like that.

Also, any more tips on the essay? Does that affect your chances of admission?

^ARe they still sending out interview notifications? Do you know?

I don’t know for sure, but I believe that they are. I applied by the early notification deadline, so I’ve known about my interview since December. However, I have 3 friends that applied by the regular deadline and they haven’t received an email yet. My bet is that you’re still safe and that they’re still releasing interview dates. If you don’t get an interview, you’ll be notified via snail mail so if you haven’t gotten any letters from them yet, I wouldn’t worry! :slight_smile:

What’s going on ? Anyone applying at Nov1 deadline get email for the interview yet?

yeah im guessing if we didnt get emails from UMKC by now, it means rejection cus they said they send out interview notifs via email by mid-jan and if not, u will get a mail home about a rejection, and those take longer to get to ur house

what questions will they ask in the interview?

BSing2MD if you noticed it is not mid-January yet.Think positive.For ilovelost,they’ll ask the usual questions like,why do you want to be a physician and what are your strengths and weaknesses and what are your views on stem transplant or some sort of ethics question like that.Be yourself and you’ll do fine.

But I still want to know if anyone who apply on Nov 1st deadline got email for interview.Could some one anwser that please?

for those who did recieve an interview email, what are the date choices?

when did those who didnt receive interview notices aply?

I applied the day before. However, I did get a notification that all my materials were received in mid-December.

October 31/Nov 1st

Same as bubbabubba. No interview notice yet.

Nothing D: Maybe they’re experiencing issues? It’s quite unlikely that all of us would be denied.

I applied for the Nov 1st deadline and I just got the email extending the interview offer today.

Congrats to sassybluechicago,now maybe the interview offers will start rolling.

At least there are still is still some degree of hope…or more appropriately, “multiple degrees” of hope :slight_smile:

Yeah just got the coveted interview email, so things appear to be rolling now. For everyone s**ting bricks like I was, I got accepted for the interview with what I concider less-than-average stats, but I did have a lot of EC’s, shadows, and service.

Eh I give up on this program…still haven’t gotten anything back…Its not even that good anyways…