UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

^^After sifting through over 50 schools in my own process of applying to these programs, for the most part yes that applies to MOST (not all, do your own research to get the details because I don’t remember all of them anymore) bs/md programs.

I got interviewed mid of Feb, and I got this hand written note last Friday, so can we make out anything with this …hahaha

Hey everyone!
Do you know if our decision letter will arrive exactly on April 1st or if they are being sent out from the university on April 1?

does it matter or would it affect my chance if i take chem 2 rather than ap chem?

Everyone gets a handwritten note.

Also, the admissions office sends out the letters ON April 1st, so since that’s a Friday, we should be getting the letters on Monday or Tuesday.



Everyone post on here if you find out you’re in and you’re going for sure!

Hey bubbles. I know i wont be going for sure because i was accepted into a couple other bs/md programs. The opportunity umkc gave me was great though. I will always be thankful for that.

osnapitstushar! Thank you!. I read in some previous posts that one could call on the 1st. Did anyone call?

^Well, seeing as it’s not yet the 1st…


[Match</a> 2011 : Office of Student Affairs : UMKC School of Medicine](<a href=“]Match”>

As suggested, you can probably find previous year’s match lists on the website or this thread (if the links are still active).


I want my letter NOW!

I’m really scared as to what the decision will be. As the year progresses, college decisions continue to baffle me and I don’t know what the criteria is anymore. Anyone know what UMKC wants the most of?!

Wait, can we call the office of admissions on the 1st to find out about our admission decision, even though the letters will not have reached our houses by then?

Someone post as soon as you receive the letter in the mail!!! Big envelope = good

Hey Guys!

Just so everyone knows, letters were mailed out this morning. So, be expecting something in the mail in the next couple of days! Also, they WILL NOT be releasing admissions decision through the phone at all.

That’s a pretty good way to annoy the office staff.

Bubbles, how do you know they were mailed out today?



And about the call, they said during my interview orientation thing, you can call UMKC on April 1st and we will have a nice talk with you, but WE WILL NOT TELL YOU YOUR ADMISSION DECISION!!! Hahahaha

Does anyone know if we will receive an email regarding the decisions or is it just the letters?

it’s just the letter, no email. and they definitely won’t tell you over the phone.
i’m nervous. and @bubbles, how do you know for sure?!?! i’m freakin out

Bubbles, how do you know? I emailed them a couple days ago and they said they would send out the letters from their office on April 1st. Could they have mailed them out earlier? I’m so nervous!!!