UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

ah ok thanks :slight_smile: wait but if i take chem 2 theres no ap test and stuff soo ?

wait, does your school require that you take the ap class to take the test or are you saying the chem 2 class doesnt prepare you for the ap?

If your school requires you take the ap class to take the test (ha, which is weird-since you should be allowed to self-stufy), take the ap class

if your saying that chem 2 doesnt prepare you for the AP test even less than AP chem, then take ap chem

but if ap chem doesnt teach anything-just take chem 2

is the toledo chemistry exam hard? i don’t remember much chemistry so idk what/how to study…

Hello all! I’m new here, and this looks like a great post. I’m very interested in UMKC’s 6 year BA/MD Program. Please tell me anything I could do to help increase next year’s application success!

Here are my stats (Accumulative):
(I’m currently a Junior in HS, MO Resident)
GPA: 4.52 Weighted, 3.75 Unweighted
Rank: Top 6% of class, 17 of 308
ACT Score: I’m taking the test in April and June, I’ve been studying every night for 45-60 minutes, I really want to do it once, do it right. (I know this is like 45% of the application’s weight, but bear with me!)

Student Council Junior Class Vice President (Will also run for the same position or President senior year, I’m very involved 50+ hours a quarter.) [Junior & Senior]
National Honor Society [Sophmore, Junior, Senior]
Freshman Mentor Program (Mentor freshman everyday for 20 minutes) [Junior & Senior year]
A+ Program
I have my Private Pilot’s License, 100+ hours of flight time (I initially wanted to go into the airforce and become a flight surgeon, but my eyesight is too poor :frowning: , I’ve been flying since I was 13.)
This summer I’m shadowing several specialists, and volunteering at the ER. I’ve been around the ER a lot as a child.

Classes taken this year:
IB Comm Arts I HL
IB Math I SL
IB Physics I SL
IB History of Americas I HL

Classes for senior year:
AP Biology - 2hr block
AP Chemistry - 2hr block
AP Calculus
AP Psychology
Study Hall

Father is UMKC law school alumni, and is also an ER Physician (He has never tried talking me into medicine EVER, I’ve known I wanted to be a physician for a very long time, and no one could talk me out of it.) I know when admissions sees “Father/Mother is a Physician” it can raise a red flag, thus the only reason I mention this.

With the exception of taking the ACT and trying to blow it out of the water (please give me a ballpark minimum I should shoot for), what do I need most to improve upon? Immense amount of volunteer work? Shadowing?
Please be honest, if I have a poor chance or no chance at all, let me know! I will do anything I can to improve my chances of becoming a Physician.


P.S. Sorry for the length… :slight_smile:

For those who received interviews:

I think I speak for many when I ask you guys to tell us how the interview went! I have scrolled through to 2007 and hardly anything is posted regarding the interview.

I’d love to hear how it went for you guys!

–High School Junior

its almost February end and I haven’t gotten anything through email or regular mail, what should I expect?


i think march 3rd is one of the last interview dates-so i dont think your chances are too good, sorry. you can call them, i guess

Mark3200,call them and talk to Kristen or Kelly very nicely and see if there is any way you could present your case in person.The worse thing that would happen is they’ll say no but the best thing would be a YES!

The interview:
It is conversational and they just want get to know the person on paper and make sure that the person matches the paper,so don’t fake it.It is like going to your favorite fast food place,you know what you want and they know what you want and if they have it you’ll get it.You don’t call ahead and make reservations or check the menu or the catch of the day,all that baloney.I hope you get the analogy!

Hey, did anyone else get a handwritten note from them basically saying that they hoped you enjoyed your day there and to call if we had any more questions? I bet they sent them to everyone, but I was just curious.

no i never got that. did anyone else?

Well, when did you interview?

The girl that I know that interviewed in February from my school that got a letter like I did. There are another 2 but I haven’t talked to them. One of them just interviewed last week though and the other did when I did. I haven’t talked to him about it yet though

contingent: your app looks pretty good. since you are a MO resident that will also help you in the admissions process. You should get 30+ on the ACT. Also, why the study hall? They may ask about it (I had one and was asked about it, so I had to explain that I was using it to complete an independent study).

krn…i interviewed early / mid february

does anyone have a recent match list for UMKC?

This program, like many other similar ones, has an early application deadline (Around November)…

So does applying to UMKC’s BA/MD program count as an early decision application? Or can we apply to multiple other BA/MD programs?

^It has an earlier deadline, but that doesn’t mean it’s ED/EA; it’s simply an earlier deadline that everyone must adhere to. So, you can apply to any and all other bs/md programs.

^And that applies to other BS/MD programs as well?

Hey Saganie, it’s posted somewhere here in the threads. Also, it’s helpful to look at several years of match lists, not just one or two, which can give you a false view of what specialties, most BA/MD students at UMKC get into. There will always be exceptional exceptions, but you should focus more on the pattern or trend.