UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

I’m freaking out too!

I know for sure because I called them. They say April 1st just to make sure they have ample time but they send then out by April 1st at the latest. I believe all letters, acceptance and rejection, were mailed this morning.

Are you all in state?

Out of state, Illinois.

Out of state, Pennsylvania

oos, san diego

I am in!!!

are you in state or out of state?. Can you please let us know how you got the accptance (mail, email etc). Thanks…

Sorry! I was just kidding! April 1st I had to do something :slight_smile: I am in the same boat with ya all! WAITING!!

Ahhh welll hoPefully it’ll come today in the mail!!!

well, if anyone hears back please post your location (in state, out state) and how you received the results. Thankssss

I am from Kansas

oh and I got it through the mail

You already got yours?!

Congrats! Still waiting for my letter…

awesome @wild. congrats!

I am extremely excited. I also wish you all the best of luck!

are you going there for sure?

It’s expensive, but you do not get too many chances to directly pursue dreams in life, I believe this is a great opportunity; so I believe I will attend

awesome! hopefully i’ll see you in the fall

lol from California here… won’t be expecting it till next week. But I’ve already been accepted to VCU’s, so I’m heading there.

AHH Accepted! OOS Illinois