UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

How do you join the fb group?

no, i didnt submit the act score. Yes, you need to get a 28 for Miami HPM (which is obviously really low), but either way, they encoruage you to really study for it since they give merit scholarships.

Search umkc school of medicine class of 2017 and request to join

Accepted from St. Louis. Attending for sure, and signed up for the April 30th orientation.

accepted from houston, texas!
umkc seemed pretty nice, but idk how good of an education i would receive there… and it seems really intense…
so i’ll try to decide between this and going to rice university (and hopefully graduating in three years from there)
otherwise, i was waitlisted from another BA/MD program, and das about it

hey also, do any of you know if UMKC ever rescinds offers of admission for second semester grades? i’ve always been a straight A student, mostly high As, and my grades now aren’t that bad but i might end up with 2 mid/high Bs and the rest mostly low As… will that be a problem? thanks

OOS, waitlisted.

Does anyone know the number of people on the OOS waitlist?

Dont worry kimp. Im oos and wont be going. Got acceptance today.

Got my letter in the mail today but am not home to open it, have to wait a week :frowning:
To those who got waitlisted or rejected was it a big envelope?

sassybluechicago- it is a standard size envelope for waitlist.
im in state waitlisted.

If you got rejected, like me :), you can call the admissions office and they tell you exactly why they rejected you.

For me they said:

<li>ACT was below our average which is 30. (I had a 29). </li>
<li>They didn’t like my Personal Statement (Yet, I used the same one for Ivy Leagues and other top universities and they LOVED it!)
-Interviewer comments were short. (how is this my fault???) </li>

Good things:

-Very High GPA

  • One of the highest SAT Applicants (1950)
  • The best Medical Background and Experience

Somewhat happy I didn’t get in. Parents were a main push. Though it was my ‘Dream School’ so I can make them happy, I don’t think I would be happy here.

Good Luck to all!

eh, seems like they give generic comments.

thats pretty cool that they give you reasons though-i dont know of any undergrad/ combined program that does. Also, is your high sat score-1950-a typo? I’m not trying to be rude-it’s just that it seems like a really low score for the program

Is there anyone on the in state alternate list?

yeah i am in state alternate list. im in the top 5 to be chosen from, are you?

Yes I got an email from them. Did they tell you why you were waitlisted? What are your stats?

hey im a junior right now. when am i supposed to apply for a 2012 admission opportunity?

Look it up on their site buddy. I’m sure you can find it.

To anyone who still has questions about the BA/MD program at UMKC and got an acceptance, please feel free to PM me. This is a huge decision and is not something you should jump into lightly, whether you would be an in-state student or out-of-state student, esp. since the undergraduate part is limited to 1.5 years.

Hey everyone! Congrats to those who were accepted, and to those who were waitlisted or not accepted, keep your chin up! Things have a way of working themselves out. I’m a second year, going into my third and I’m definitely willing to answer any questions some of you may have. Just send me a private message and we can get set up on email or facebook. Good luck to all and congrats again!!!