UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

hey apply by october 15th I think. The actual date is november but if you apply by october then they let you know in December if you got an interview or not. The good thing about this is that you won’t be stressing over winter break, you’ll have more time to prepare, and you can be one of the first people to pick your interview dates. Also, I would start working on your app this summer so that you have plenty of time to polish it :slight_smile: hope that helps

For those of you reading these amazingly high stats don’t get freaked out!
I know when I was on collegeboard i was definitely intimidated by all the 35’s and AP scores. Honestly, the biggest part of UMKC’s criteria is your interview. Here they really get to focus on your personality and they’re all about becoming good people and good doctors :slight_smile: As for the interview day, I would look up <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; this site, it has 100 interview questions and if you prepare for them then you’ll be good. Don’t sound too rehearsed too! Also, I would suggest telling stories during your interview. For instance, I told stories about the patients I saw when i job shadowed. People get different interviewers, some people simply ask the questions and get done in 15 minutes others get the people who love conversation take the full 30 minutes. Surprisingly they didn’t even ask why I wanted to be a doctor. As for things you can do to enhance your application, I would really look into doing some work at the umkc campus whether it be job shadowing or the umkc summer scholars program. There’s nothing that shows more interest in a campus than this :slight_smile:

Anyone here a junior and applying this fall??:slight_smile:

hey do u guys know how many seats UMKC offers? I know they have 109 slots to fill for the class as a whole but when they send out offers do they send it out to just 109 and they move to the alternate list or do they send out more than that as a backup and then use the waitlist? Im asking because I was waitlisted and trying to gauge my chances…thanks

mqureshi23, they actually send out more than the class size as people inevitably end up rejecting their BA/MD program acceptance from UMKC for different reasons. Also, I’m pretty sure that the class size is a lot more than 109. You can check the latest AAMC MSAR to see the number they accepted and the number that ended up enrolling.

thanks Roentgen, so do u know what the likelihood of getting off the alternate list would be for like students in the top five and by like what time do u think that I’ll hear a final acceptance or rejection?

I’m waitlisted from Wisconsin and in the top 5. Are there any chances of getting in if you are in the top 5 or 10? When do they get back to you about the final decision?

Hi MRA1212, I have been looking for such information myself … waitlisted OOS Illinois. At the time of the interview they had said this year (2011) that there will be a 120 offers for a final class of 109. And there is information pertaining to waitlist which is 25 each for OOS and in-state. Hmm so you being under 5 of the waitlist is good news, but hard to make any inferences since we don’t know how many have rejected thus far!! There is lot of previous years’ information but each year it is different results … nothing… the best thing is to just wait till we get that “Final” email. Good Luck. Also, waitlisters post your updates as they happen!! Thx

Hi MRA1212, had you been notified when you got in the top 10? or you got directly into the top 5. When did you get the email notifying that you are in top 5? Thanks

Hey! I was waitlisted regional from Illinois and I got in on May 3. I was in the top 5 and they sent me an email about my acceptance. Good luck to everyone!

Hey does anyone know when applications for fall 2011 open?? thanks

I am about to be a junior in Michael E. DeBakey High School for Health Professions and am looing forward to applying to this program and many others.
Any advice?

I am thinking of applying to this program?
What stats do you need?
How is the interview and what do they ask?

What kind of questions do they ask you and do they accept SAT scores?
What kind of stats are they looking for?
Any advice and information will be greatly appreciated!

Hey guys, I am a first year student so I can give you some advice for applying. The application is very long, so take your time and make sure you complete everything thoroughly; my guidance counselor helped me tons with that. I think applications open September or August but I didn’t get mine in until October. The stats you guys are talking about probably aren’t as important as you may think. I took the ACT and got a 30, but I know people from my class got 27s, 29s, 30s, 32s, there’s a wide variety. With that being said I know a guy with a 36 who didn’t get in, so it’s not all about scores. It’s about putting yourself in medical situations, proving that you have an interest in being a doctor and that you’ve tested that interest and still actually want to be a doctor. Have a well-rounded and diverse application with volunteer work, leadership roles, shadowing experiences, sports, bands, research, mini-med schools, anything helps even if it may seem stupid at the time. One of the parts of the application is a 10-page activities sheet, the more you can put on there the better. But my main advice would be to have stuff that shows leadership, medical experience, and a desire to be in the program.

If you get an interview you take a chemistry test for placement, write a little response, and then have two interviews with staff members/students. The interviews aren’t as intimidating as you may think. The two guys I had were very nice and really just wanted to know about me and why I want to be in the progam and if I think I can handle it. They want to see confidence and they just want to see you handle yourself properly. If you don’t think you have very good social or interview skills, I recommend praciting a lot, but if you’ve interviewed for stuff before then you will be fine and it’ll really just be another interview.

Let me know if you have more questions.

Hey there! How’s it goin? I’m Deven, and I see the people on this post have excellent credentials! Getting accepted into UMKC is my goal, too. I’m posting this message to see if any of you have any tips or advice for my application. Could you tell me the stats you had, and I can tell you my stats? I really need to know what to work on and add to my credentials to make my stats for the program as competetive as possible. I’d really appreciate your help! You can message me on here! I check everyday!
I hope to hear back from someone soon!



mad interested in this program but i am not pulling out a good gpa in highschool.
def. interested in the med field and will be doing a crapload of med. related ec’s during october (going abroad to intern at a 3rd country hospital [pretty much 24/7 doctor shadowing for 3 weeks).

my gpa is the only downside to my whole app:
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;

please let me know if you guys think i have a chance? even a small little chance…

viewing this thread really makes me jealous. so many 3.9x+s here t.t

wish i didn’t slack so much.

So i was wondering if you guys could help me, or have any ideas.
I have a 3.86 GPA (unweighted)
27 ACT (trying again in september)

AP classes : AP American History, AP French, AP English, AP Biology
I am currently taking Psychology, AP Bio, Physics, Christian Service, AP French, AP English, and Pre-Calculus

Clubs/Activities/Jobs : Student atheletic training (100 hours a school year for 3 years), Sport’s medicine (3), NHS(2), Club international(3), French club(3) (I was voted president this year), Backstage for 8 plays and musicals, Freshmman mentor (3). I have also shadowed an Anesthesiologist for about 20 hours. During the summer I work at a huge doctor’s office (around 70 physicians) helping out in information systems (I have done this for the past 3 years) I also cut grass on the side.


i was filling out the application and had some questions about the activities. are we limited to just ten? if we had more would that be better? or just choose the best 10? and like clubs we join within senior year but havent started yet. do they count? thankyou! some camps i went to gave pre med recommendation letters but not specificaaly for the 6 year med program and random little pieces of info about my self. should that be sent to them somehow? or should i stick with what is asked for precisely. just wanted to make sure!

hey guys please post stats for all of those who are applying! Also, i have a question about the ACT–what score is good for OOS from NJ? Can anyone who got in LAST YEAR post stats?