UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

have applied

desigirl23 whats your stats are u OOS?

I am OOS from NJ.
SAT: didn’t take yet, expecting a 2200
ACT: didn’t take, expecting a 33
GPA: uw 4.0/4.0, 7 AP Classes total by end of senior year. Weighted gpa: 4.37 out of 4.5ish; school doesn’t rank: but top 1%
Volunteering at Nursing Home (Total number of volunteer hours: 732+)
Volunteering in Hospital
Physician Shadowing (100 hours)
Medical Research last summer (205 hours) on HIV, and got research pubished, and medical research next summer, going to do siemens or intel through a research program
Music: Violin 11 Years, and Symphony Orchestra and Choir
Leadership: President of Health Club, President o Red Cross, Editor in Chief of literary magazine…approximately 11 Leadership positions
There is so much more…I will write it up later lol.

^ I attended Pre-medical honors programs for three (10 weeks) years, attended a cardiopulmonary physiology lecture hosted by these programs, CPR Certification, etc. I received “honors recognition” from these programs three times in a row, etc. So basically, I have loads of med ec’s, such as medical research internships, loads of leadership, loads of clubs, and loads of volunteer service hours, such as hosting blood drive at school, raising money for children with measles in africa, etc. All I need are the scores, as of now. But, so far, do you guys think I am on a really good track for this ba/md program? I really really want to get in.

I’d say you’re a strong applicant. As long as you’re a good writer and your SAT scores are good, I think you’ll get in. UMKC is considered to be less competitive for a med program.

@Desigirl: I sent my application a while ago and have been accepted to the undergrad school. Here are my stats:

SAT: 2300 (1540 math/reading)
GPA: 3.97 (4.54 weighted and top 2%)
SAT II: Math (800) Biology E (800) Chemistry (770) Physics (800)
National Merit Semifinalist (so far)
AP Scholar w/Distinction

Volunteer EMT Cadet
Volunteer at the hospital transporting patients
Tutor for Math Honor Society
Columbia Science Honors Program
County Youth Council
Science National Honor Society

I’m from New Jersey too.

^Thanks so much! I really need some tips from you! I hope I really get in!!! Thanks! Any one else want to chance me?

Also, do you need sports to be selected into this program? Like I always hear of people saying that sports are like necessary to be well-rounded, but I have like music, which I think that not that many BS/MD applicants may have.

No, I don’t think so. You need good ecs, but sports aren’t necessary. I know quite a few people who got into bs/md programs, and many of them did not do much for sports, especially the girls. You do need medically-related activities, though, which you have.

Did you apply to UMKC yet? I got the letter of admission for the undergrad school a few days ago.

I am only a junior right now. lol. But, can you please give me stats of those who were accepted to this program last year? Also, if you know any one who got into a bs md program, like UPITT, albany med, etc.

Well, I don’t actually know that. I wasn’t that close with the people I know who got into Drexel/Drexel, so I didn’t feel comfortable asking them about their scores. I’m pretty sure their grades and test scores were about the same as mine, though. Some of them seemed to think I have a better chance than they did.

^do you have any other advice for me? :slight_smile: I really hope I get in, and I am from NJ–they increased the minimum requirements. 3.85 gpa and 31 act.

I’d just say not to worry too much and to get as many of your essays done during the summer as you can. I did most of mine in September and October, and it worked out fine, but it was pretty stressful at times. You’ll be fine.

^so, right now, I hope I am on the right track for this program. Do you think that I kind of “stick out”? lol.

^also for the gpa, what subjects should you not get B’s in? It’s kind of a random question. But, do you think they would kick me out of the applicant pool if i get like a B in like honors physics or honors chem? (It’s just a thought)

I think you do stick out and that your academics are good. Your ecs seem great too. A B is worse in Chem than in Physics, but are you taking honors courses now? Getting good grades doesn’t mean much unless you’re taking the hardest courses your school has, so you should be taking mostly AP courses if your school offers them. Also, aim for the highest SAT score you can get. I didn’t want to retake the SAT after I got a 2300, but some of the people I know did and got near-perfect scores. You should aim for a 2400 if you can. You head a literary magazine so I assume you read a lot. If you do, the verbal sections should be easy and the math section can be improved through practice.

If you do that and show your passion for medicine in your interviews as well as your knowledge of current trends in medicine (healthcare etc.) you should be a very strong candidate. Consider applying to Brown PLME, Northwestern HPME, Rice/Baylor, and Baylor/Baylor so you’ll have more options after medical school.

O yah! I am taking ALL honors courses, even Anatomy and Physiology, Genes and Disease, and Bioethics (which are virtual high school electives online, only for really motivated students, who want to put in extra effort to do work outside of the classroom). I started taking honors courses (one in 8th grade) and I got All A’s, and I am taking a total of 7 AP courses by end of senior year.

Are those the most advanced classes your school offers in junior year? If so, you’re fine.