UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

Does anyone know when you find out if you had an interview if you did not make the early deadline?

I believe it’s mid-january…it’s getting close! I’m nervous

@naseemalammar, thank you and good luck

Hey guys! I’ve been reading several posts and think that I might be interested in this program. I was wondering if you guys think I have any chance at all

Sex: Male
State: Texas- School is ranked exemplary and produces almost 20 national semi finalists/year. I am not one of them :frowning:
Courses: All AP/Pre Ap
AP Exams:
Spanish:3 WHAP:5 (I will take 4 more this year)
EC: None at my school since most clubs like student council are a joke. However I did volunteer at Baylor Surgery for 75 hours last summer and will add about 100 more this summer. I also volunteer from time to time in medical events like Islamic Womens Heart Foundation.
SAT:1970 (First try, will take again.)
I did not take the ACT yet.

So do you guys think I should even bother applying? Money is not a big issue as long as the school is good and is worth it in the end.

I was wondering if anybody on this thread has been accepted to UMKC’s med program after being waitlisted for an interview.
If so I was wondering when the waitlisters would be informed of their status

FullMetalx, I think you should definitely apply! Are you from in state or out of state? Try to take the ACT and see how well you do on that. I find the ACT easier than the SAT. Also try to join some more extracurricular activities and volunteer at different places.

I got the letter in the mail today that said they have received my app and are in the midst of reviewing it.

thanks! I’ll definitely give it a go. I am oos living in Texas


Your PSAT, quite frankly is irrelevant for BS/MD program admissions.

Things you need to improve on in your application: more extracurricular activities (even if they are a “joke” at your school, you need to join some school clubs, and get some leadership positions if you can, as well as complete more health-related extracurricular activities - these can be one time events as well - like fundraisers, marathons, free health screenings, shadowing a physician, etc.). Also as you know already, your standardized test scores, whether that be the SAT or ACT.

You may be interested in applying to this 6/7 year BS/MD program, as it would be in-state for you (vs. paying out-of-state tuition at UMKC). Only Texas residents can apply to this program.

[Combined</a> BS/MD Program - Accelerated Medical Program - UT Southwestern](<a href=“]Combined”>

Their first class starts in Fall 2012.

So, has anyone that applied for regular decision received an email for an interview yet?

I got my invitation for interview today!!

i know someone that applied at the regular deadline and got their interview decision yesterday so if you haven’t gotten yours yet, they should definitely be coming sometime soon

awesome! what are your stats toucanfran?

Has anyone who was waitlisted for an interview been given a spot? If not, does anyone have any clue when they will give these spots out/how many get waitlisted? Also, anyone doubting their attendance please keep in mind the people on the wait list as I would kill to get in! (joke obviously but you get the point)

Roentgen thanks for the advice! I didn’t know about the new program in ut southwestern

Heading up to umkc today for my interview. Wish me luck!

Alright that’s over with. Who all interviewed today?

Do they give us a periodic table for the chemistry test?

out of staters who got an interview, can you please give stats? also, what sat score do you think we should have for an out of state, i know its 31 for act, but that’s like a 2100 on the sat? do we need like a 2200+ to be in a good standing? cuz, i hope i got a 2210 or something on this sat i took on saturday, and i hope i am done with it…but i need to know…

31 is good for umkc