UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

My friend Zac and I have made it into the 7 year program at UMKC so we decided to start a blog that documents our experience as UMKC students and med students all at once. There are personal and academic experiences there (or there will be). So if you want a primary source of our experience, it’s the place to go! :smiley:

In terms of summers I would say that my 1st summer at UMKC was one the best summers I have ever had. 1st summer (year 2) you will have cell bio and orgo (depending on how many credits you bring in you may have already done that) and I had both during the summer and I still had lots of free time and enough time to goof around and hang out late, and go to midnight premiers etc.
Second summer Year 3 you will be in HSF IV and I would say that it is a little more challenging than Year 2, esp that last week when you are studying for the cumulative final but I still had free time to hang out and was more than able to manage the load.
Third summer Year 4, you will either be in Pharm or going back to campus to finish your undergrad and the campus semester is really easy.
After that you are on a year around schedule with different vacation times and what you are doing in the summer really depends on what team you are on and what you choose to take at what time. Hope that helps!

thank you so much

31 ACT
4.0 GPA (rank 1/290)
Lots of ECs
50+ hrs of shadowing pediatrician

what do you guys think my chances are

Your chances are good to get an interview. Are you involved at school? They look for leadership qualities. Clubs that make you shine as a leader. Do that, and your application will look good.

UMKC has started a brand new program this year! It’s a 7-year that will run alongside the 6-year. It’s a new pilot program for them and really exciting! My friend Sami and I were accepted into this program and are both EXTREMLEY happy with our choice to apply to the 7-year. What the 7-year program is: 10 students were accepted. (MUCH MORE LEGIT THEN 100 6-years) I get to choose my own major and minor. (Most 6-year students go for a bachelor of liberal arts) I get a year to relax, not really, and focus on my intended major and minor. I get a year to be a normal college kid and experience everything that it has to offer! Next year, all of the seven-year med kids will join the 6-year kids on their journey through the adventourous land of medicine! 7-year med is da best! I sweearrrrr. Oh! Ay friend Sami and I are writing a blog about our experiences in the program! CHECK IT OUT!

Yes, I do have 3-4 leadership positions in clubs. Is it possible to apply for both the 6 year and 7 year? or do you just apply and they determine which one you et into?

Yes, you can apply for both! It WILL NOT raise your chances because only 110 spots in all for both programs. You just have to make sure that you are one of the 110 best applicants. Those leadership positions will make you shine! Make sure to highlight those in your application and in your interview. They like to see people who will take charge and lead in a good way! If you have ANY other questions, feel free to email me at <a href=“”></a>. My name is Zac Zumwalt!

Thank you sooo much Zac! I will be sure to email you if I have any questions. Also - how did you apply to both programs? does 1 application take care of both or are there 2 different applications?

hey does anyone think i have a chance?
OOS from NJ
SAT= 1420/1600 M+CR (converts to 32 ACT)
Rank= 2/321 students (school doesn’t rank but def top 1% of class)
GPA= 4.342/4.0 weighted, 3.97/4
Community Service: 1000 hours total at hospital, senior nursing home, etc.
Medical EC’S= two intense medical research internships over two summers (total 600+ hours), wrote paper, got poster published on Determination of ITC compounds in bacteria subtilis, co-authored medical research publication in a medical journal; physician shadowing internal medicine specialists, etc., pre-medical honors programs hosted by University of Medicine and Dentistry (10 weeks of lectures) for two years, etc.

  1. AP Scholar Recognition

  2. University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey-New Jersey Medical School Graduate of Pre-Medical Honors Program with Honors Recognition through examination on medical topics conducted by medical students (2009-2011)

  3. Member of George W. Hodgins Chapter of National Honor Society (2011-present)

  4. Member of Joan Mir

please help anyone :slight_smile: appreciate it! :slight_smile: really really want to get into this program, o and ALso i have work experience as well at Kumon Math and Reading Learning Center as a summer job.

The thing is, EVERYONE on here has way better stats than me. And I still got in. It’s not all about the stats people…that interview is important. And who you are can contribute to the program.

Also, if your stats are too awesome, that can even lower your chances. ( Don’t take that seriously )

That’s my opinion though. The truth is, if people were picked only by stats- I would not be in this program. :] You should see mine…

26 ACT
Less than 1000 hours of community service with hospitals…or anywhere.
Not a lot of internships or rewards at all.
4.2 blah blah GPA

So, have faith in yourself both in person and with stats.

hey samiio, thanks for the input, o and i know what u mean, when u mean they are too awesome, but i just did what i put lol…r u an OOS by the way just wondering?

also how do we apply for the 7 year?

So, desigirl, let me get this straight

Youve volunteered for 1000 hours, researched for over 600 hours and have had a job for a summer?

Stop ■■■■■■■■, you are clearly lying.

Just like the six year. The application will ask you if you want to apply to both. :] And I believe I had to apply by filling out an extra page. :slight_smile: That’s all. You can’t miss it.

I am an instate. Only instate kids get to be in the seven year so far.

Also, if anyone has questions, feel free to email me about the program- <a href=“”></a> Please try not to send stats, I can’t help with that! I bet all of you are tremendously awesome. :slight_smile:

Oh yah, the Seven Year one is called the GAP (Guaranteed Admission Program).

Let’s get this straight!

Having a 33 or 34 IS NOT GOING TO GET YOU IN! I had a 25. Not the best, I know. But they don’t automatically just throw your application out! I promise!

Alot of things go into this. Volunteering. ACT, SAT, Leadership positions, involvement, shadowing, interview, and SO MUCH MORE.

Consider this: Your application is a meal being served to an Admission Counselor at a restaraunt. Your ACT and Rank/GPA are the main course. Your extra-curricular activities are the condiments, your interview the quality of service. Without the main course, the condiments and service are irrelevant. With bad service (poor interview), even great food is unpleaseant. When the counselor goes to leave you a tip (admissions), they’ll look at everything that you did. Not just one part of the meal.

So what I’m saying is, You could be the most qualified person but if your personality sucks, then you definitley not get in.

Again, if any of you have questions and feel like all people do on here is bash you, I can answer any questions that you have and I’ll answer them honestly. I do have experience with the program. Email me! <a href=“”></a> Oh and check out my friend’s and I’s blog! It’s about our expereinces so far in the program!

Young man, I don’t believe you! I know some cocky people with a TERRIBLE personality in this program. Or, just one. BUT still, I guess she slipped through the cracks.