UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

you make such a good point! I didn’t realize that BS/MD programs are really competing against eachother for the best candidates, also!
I think what im most worried about is the fact that I thought I was a perfect fit for the program (it was my #1) and my scores really weren’t awesome (mediocre considering these other applicants’ stats), but everything else was above average, and yet, I still didn’t seem to make the cut.

@butterfli123 yes…all of the BA/MD is a long shot to any applicants regardless of their Stats… it as competitive as applying IVY Leagues and other top ten schools in the country. Just close our eyes and praying for miracle. And really, I used the words " Tuffs’syndrome " as a emotional comforting for my future classmates (If we have a chance ) when they are down. Well, I should be happy when my other competitors got waitlist or reject right ? No, we are all in this together… I would not step on anyone by telling them she/he not good enough , smart enough to get accepted to our program.

And I never said UMKC using Tuffs’ syndrome in their admission process… I said it Might, Possibly, or may be applicants fall under that…
Medicine is not an exact science either. I learn that when I followed Drs who I shadowed with for the last few yrs. They most of the time using these words…it POSSIBLY …, It APPEARS to be…, it INDICATEs… of…

@dacg2d I would trade my acceptance at UCLA, UC berkerley, Emory, Vanderbilts for my UMKC BA/MD…But as you said…UMKC is a World Class…Hummmm… the word World class should apply only to " World Class Medical Research Center, World Class Research University possibly is a better fit than UMKC one…

And I want to go to UMKC BA/MD to be a Doctor, really, I careless if its is either world class or not…

Here is one UMKC alumna who went on to achieve ?world class? status…“chief of pregnancy and perinatology at the National Institutes of Health since 1996.”

[Alumna</a> of the Year gives lecture at School of Medicine on April 27 | UMKC School of Medicine | P.R.N.](<a href=“]Alumna”>

Anyone get an interview from Cali? Has anyone experienced the MMI style interviews that they mentioned in the email?

This is for DesiGirl23, CC said i can’t message because I don’t have enough posts.
State: California ethnicity: south asian
SAT: 2220, (CR+M) 1520

GPA: 3.97 unweighted
Took 5 APs throughout sophomore and junior year, taking 5 this year
EC’s: physician shadowing, volunteering at two hospitals, treasurer of Health Occupations Students of America Club (high school club), secretary of city’s youth action committee.

So people who applied for the Nov 1st deadline already got emails for interviews!?!? I didn’t so does that mean I am rejected? :frowning: Does anyone know?

^no, the ppl who got interviews already, like me, are the ones who applied before 0ct 15th deadline, november 1st deadlines will be out sometime this month. don’t worry. :slight_smile:


Here’s an early notification applicant last year who was wait-listed for the interview.
He eventually got accepted into the 6 year program.

Check out post #2647 and #2698 by sieliryan

<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;


Thanks. Although I’m OOS, I hope i get off the alternate list.

Wow ,I just recieved an email inviting me to interview at UAB EMSAP on Jan24/25th and my UMKC interview is the next week Feb 3/4th, wish me luck people, I have to get into one of these for sure. Does anyone know anything about the UAB EMSAP INTERVIEW…I applied to 11 of these programs 2 down for interview, 9 to go!

Lucky Med96! Good luck.

Thanks Sanguinee, did you also apply to UAB?

Yep, and UMKC.

got a letter from UMKC saying that they have fwded my application to the med school

were you on the alternate list?

I applied on nov 1st deadline, when you guys think I would be able to be informed that either I got invited for interview or not ?

U should call them up and make sure.