UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

Same here, what source did you hear that from? I don’t think any bs/md programs REQUIRE research to get an interview. There are many other ways to prove your interest in medicine. If they required research, then it would probably mention that on the application. In some places, it’s very difficult for students to get research in high school. I tried very hard to get research last summer but no one would allow me unless I was 18. I can’t speak for all of the bs/md programs but I’m assuming that they don’t require research.

@PursuitToExcel, you do not need any research experience to get into BS/MD programs, but the research experience will make you more competitive. Having said that, it may not be of any good to even express interest in research if you are applying for programs that specifically train physicians for primary care. However, as I alluded in my earlier post, the RPI/AMC program is specifically established to train physician scientist and it even allocates a certain number of months in the program for research. Students without any research experience will not be competitive since how would a student know he/she is interested to pursue a career as a physician scientist and be involved in research if he/she has never been exposed to research. Your point about needing to be 18 does not hold for many research institutions. Most institutions requires you to be 16. My daughter did 10 weeks of research in the summer when she was 16, but my son did his 10 weeks when he was 15 years old. So, it is possible if you ask around.

I see @PursuitToExcel’s point, though. Around where I live, it can be challenging to find some experience like this simply because THERE IS NOTHING HERE. I’ve been waiting since 8th grade to be allowed to volunteer at the hospital but they require volunteers to be at least 16. Well guess what? I turned 16 THIS year in 20 freaking 13. As a senior. Well that really sucks for me I guess. Nothing really happens around here so there aren’t positions for high schoolers to be helping out in with the ER team or anything like that, which I know a lot of students in other areas are able to do. Needless to say, it’s hard to find research experiences or doctors to shadow (especially if you’re looking for someone specialized). There are a few general physicians who’re willing to take on students for shadowing but that’s really about it. So, I really understand the disadvantages some students may have. I think it’s something frequently overlooked.


Are you applying to UMKC? Are you instate?

@huskerstk, yep, I’m applying to UMKC. And no, I’m out of state. I live quite far. How about yourself? :slight_smile:

The only combined program I’m applying to is UMKC. I’m a regional applicant, which should help, but not by much.

At least it increases your chances, right? :slight_smile: Is there a reason why you’re only applying to one combined program? are you just not into the idea of it orr…?? I’m going a bit crazy; i have 24.

Well technically there’s a lower acceptance rate for regional applicants. Because the ratio of applicants applying to applicants accepted is lower than in state and out of state I’m pretty sure. It’s just that there’s a lot of competitive applicants coming out of Chicago. However, I would still say that out of state is the most competitive and that’s what UMKC said as well. I’m also out of state

Yeah, it’s just what I read on their site regarding their priorities for students in the process of admissions for the program.

Hey does anyone know if things like CNA, Phlebotomy, or EKG certification look good to these schools?


You’re certified in CNA, Phlebotomy and EKG as a high schooler?

Just Phlebotomy and EKG.

@PursuitToExcel, good for you. Anything that shows activities in the area of healthcare should help. At your stage, no one is going to expect you to have gone to the moon, published first-authored papers, or won the Nobel prize!

@IMGDAD: Thanks for the reassurance. Sometimes I feel as though a Nobel peace prize is needed to get into one of these programs. Haha

Second that, @PursuitToExcel. second that…

I feel like I have such mood swings in response to applying to these programs depending on the day. Either I’m “yeah! i got this! lets go lets do this yes!” or i’m “gosh everyone is so much more qualified than me. why would they even want me? I’m never going to get in. I’m such a loser for think i might have a chance. ah.”
There is no in between logical thought because that’s what admissions for these programs are: completely unpredictable and illogical.

It happens to me all the time but I try not to let other people’s qualifications effect my confidence. Every applicant is unique in some way so I don’t believe there’s a particular stat that can make one applicant more desirable than the others. Also, the uprising of social media and forums has only made the college application process more competitive.

I think this whole thing with competition is reaching ridiculous levels to the point where people are not really people anymore. I can say from personal experience that friends I’ve known for at least 4 or 5 years are all falling apart and there’s strained relationships just because they’re all applying to the same programs at the same colleges. It’s such an awful thing to see people like that against each other. College Apps: Real Life Hunger Games Edition.

I totally know what you mean. I try to stay out of all of that stuff as much as possible. That’s one of the main reasons I’m gunning for a combined program because it eliminates that whole competition aspect of things. Instead, everyone in the class is on each other’s side for the most part like people should be.

I know you guys are just trying to trick me into telling you my STATS ! (LOL)