UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

so is everyone here gonna go to umkc if they get in?

I will if I get in. UMKC is my first choice

where else are you applying?

I am applying to Washington university, MIZZOU, SLU, Drury University. Where else are you applying?


I already had my inteview and now have a long wait for the decision. But i donot have a very great stats and i wonder how i ever got an interview. I think they will have about 300 interviews this year. So gl with your interviews.

i’m applying to washington u, umkc, ku, slu, rice, northwestern, boston u, and brown. my interview is on dec 15 for umkc

Hey mlkgandhiv2k
Could you tell how your intreview went and what kinds of questions they asked you?

Also, Did you think the Toledo Chemistry test was easy or hard.

I’m only applying to umkc and mizzou. and umkc is my first choice.

I am applying to Wash U, SLU, UMKC(ofcourse), Truman and U of I Urbana. I will go to UMKC if i get accepted.
The interview was pretty simple. There was only me and other girl. They asked basic questions like what made u wanna be a doctor and stuff that help them know more about us. Be ready to answer questiones like what are some of the important issues in medicine and stuff like that too. I dont know if you will get the same questions though.

Just go over your basic chemistry and u will be fine. I dont think i did well though because i did not review or anything.

I have my intreview on Thursday. Does anyone have any tips. :slight_smile:

Hey – I had my interview earlier this week.

Relax. It’s not that bad, really. Just be honest and say what it is you want to say, even if it doesn’t sound impressive or eloquent to you.

Roughly what time do they call to schedule the interview? Making sure I don’t miss their call. :slight_smile:

They called me for an intreview when i was at school. They also sent me an e-mail informing me about it.

when was the UMKC application deadline?

For the 6-year BS/MD, it was Nov 15.

Going into my interview I was kind of stressed about the Chemistry test, since I hadn’t had chem since sophomore year, but don’t worry. You only have to get 40 of 60 questions right, and 20 of the questions have absolutely nothing to do with chemistry. They are just basic algebra, like solve for x.
As for the interview, it’s the last thing you do, I got there at 8:30 and didn’t interview until 1:30. Also, they asked me no questions about current medicine issues.

I just received an interview call for the program today and I submitted the app the day before the deadline…

Hey no fair. You did not get asked any questions about medical issuses. I got asked about medical issues and about issues faced by young people today and in the future. I was stumped by those questiones but i think i did well because i liked the reaction on the interviewers’ faces.
But seriously you lucked out.

IncompleteAlibi and mlkgandhiv2k…are you guys really only 16?

Yea that’s what it says in my profile lol