UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

i havent yet…

I sent in my application mid october, I’m instate, and got called November 11, I think, to schedule my interview. Well it is tomorrow and I’m so nervous. I am also applying for the Conley scholars program at MU. If anyone wants my stats, has any helpful info, or has info about their interviews I’d love to hear it. I am trying to get all the info that I can so I will be well prepared.

Hey – I got called about Nov 11 too. I’m out of state, Chicago-area. My interview is in about 2.5 weeks. I tried to schedule later so I wouldn’t have to miss school but it didn’t work out.


ACT: 35
SAT: 730cr, 770m, 800w
SAT II Math 2: 800

Great recs, medically-related ECs, medical field research, etc. Don’t really know what else to put here…

impressive stats…

mine pretty much go like this
32 ACT, 1380 SAT (710V 670M)


varsity tennis captain
NHS president
Student body secretary
Freshmen Mentor
Academic Bowl
1st chair flute
variety of community service
homecoming queen (lol, i didn’t mention that in my application, but it still cracks me up)

However i’m really concerned with my lack of experience in a medical environment. I’ve done alot of volunteering at a Dr’s Office, but my mom works there so I’m not sure if they’ll really acknowledge that. Plus I mainly dealt with paperwork and things. I’ve never really been involved in a hospital atmosphere and I’m afraid that will adversely impact my chances. Also, I tend to get really nervous at interviews, in a twitchy way, its not pretty. So does anyone know if since i’m interviewing so early if i will find out about my acceptance any earlier?

I doubt it, it’s not rolling admissions, is it? Still it’d be nice… Good luck at your interview! You’ll do fine. Breathe.

yo i applied to umkc last year, and the system is kinda weird. as far as interviews, you can get called anytime from now till february. i got called early feb and had my interview late- feb just because they had to receive all of the parts of the application and review it while doing the same thing with 100s of other students. ya, and you’ll know if u get in by early april i think. i don’t remember, i withdrew my application after the interview cuz i already had gotten into penn state and wanted to go there.

amarpan, could you post your stats and comment on how u like the penn state program. Thx.

hey ya, here are the basics:

top 1% of class, 3.97 UW, 4.78 W
1530 SAT, 800 math2, 800 chem, 770 writing

varsity track captain, cross country
colorado school of mines medal in math and science
science bowl, science olympiad
medical sciences club pres
habitat for humanity, hospital volunteering
hiv research at usc

those are the basics. ya, but i really like penn state rt now. prob the biggest factors as to why i didn’t go to umkc or my other interviews after i got into psu were good med school, 6 years, really fun environment, football team, old and well-structured program, i knew other people that went through it and loved it, plus its just an awesome place. i love it here and i don’t regret my decision one bit. umkc is also a really nice program tho, esp with 3.0 gpa, no mcat. i hear it can be tough at times and timely with the docent rotations and stuff, but its also pretty fun also from what my friends say.

Hi, My name is Felicia. I am applying to UMKC 6 year med- program and last week they called me for a intreview that is on Dec 8th. Could anyone give me any tips for preparing for the intreview.
Also, what kinds of questions do they ask on the Tolebo Chemistry test. I have taken chemistry in high school for 2 years but I don’t really remember everything. What can I do to prepare for the test.!!!

first off, the toledo chemistry thing is really really basic…balancing equations, conversions, and things like that. one year of chem is enough, plus it doesn’t count for admissions, you just have to pass it.

the interview i think was like any other one except there were two separate ones. basic questions with a few twists like why do you want to be a doctor? what would you do if…? most meaningful activity, why umkc? what was a difficult situation that taught you something? most meaninful person in your life?..basically, questions on medicine, you activities, and basic thinking questions. to prepare, just ask people to ask you the same questions and make sure you have a clear answer. relax and be yourself.

hey felicia where do you live? is umkc doing instate first? thanks

also felicia can you post your stats…

I am from St.Louis, Missouri. I don’t know if they are doing intreview for instate first.
My stat is :
ACT= 28
GPA= 4.2
NHS, International Club (president), Key Club (treasurer), SAFE (secretary), Math Club, SADD, JV Tennis, Book club, Math tutor etc…
Volunteered at variety of hospitals, church, school etc

I understand that the Toledo CHemistry test is on Chemistry and Algebra. But could you give me an example of a kind of question they ask.
Also, is it multiple choice or fill in the blanks.

Felicia, when did you turn in your application? I sent my application in the last week of Oct, they received Nov.1.

hey Vimal,
I sent my application in the first week of October.

Are they basically working through the apps in order of who sent them in first? I don’t think they’re doing all in-state and then out of state

I don’t know how they are working through the app.

They work through the apps in the order they received them I believe.

i don’t think it’s instate to out of state, because i know that now at least 2 people got interviews who are from out of state. It is looking, however, in when you turned in your application. I was talking to some people from previous years and they were saying that getting an earlier interview doesn’t really impact the decision (what it is and when it is given),which isn’t cool b/c i have mine on the first of december. To all that have interviews or are waiting on a potential interview, just breathe. Harder said than done, but definetly worth trying