UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

@hythoom chances of interview or chances of acceptance?

Chances of getting an interview; sorry for not speicfying. I assume my chance of acceptance depends on how the interview goes.

Your stats are exactly like mine, may I ask if you were from in state, regional, or out of state?

@hythoom, I think for getting an interview you should be ok, even though your class rank is a little low.

What would you have said if I asked for my chances of acceptance?

Now that applications are all turned in, and I’m just waiting to get an interview, I wanted to find out more in-depth about the UMKC BA/MD program. @Roentgen and @UMKCRoosMD can either of you go thru different parts of the program, since you both graduated from the program on coursework, degrees available, curriculum - both undergrad & medical school, clinical rotations, how well people do on their boards, any research opportunities available, chances of matching - primary care or specialist care (I’m not sure which one yet), etc. Sorry if you’ve already covered it before.I’m sure I’m missing something so you can add any other categories.

Also any other changes that you might know have happened to the program since you graduated? Were you out-of-state? Now with Obamacare, how greatly will things change for physicians in terms of their salaries and other areas?

I’m applying to other Bachelor/MD programs as well, and UMKC is kind of at the bottom of my list in terms of where I want to go but wanted to find out as much about it. I’m out of state.

I can’t believe this thread started 10 years ago, 11-25-2004. The guy who started the thread ended up at another BS/MD program in the state.

Hi all,

My son has applied to this program. Yesterday, he received an email from UMKC school of medicine that they needed his college transcript with fall 2014 semester’s grades[ he had his college sent his official transcript to UMKC] He is taking 8 credit hours of college credits this semester. I am not sure why are they asking for it. My son is just a senior in high school right now, he however have taken around 24 credit hours of college courses though along with the regular high school classes. It is not dual enrollment and he is not enrolled as a freshmen in college.

Can any one shed some light on this? Thanks

@DilDil, they just want to make sure they have his entire academic record. They need his transcript from high school but also from any courses he may have taken at a college or university, esp. since he has a lot of hours already (and 24 is quite a bit). It doesn’t matter if he is officially enrolled as a freshman in college, it is coursework that he has completed.

@hythoom, you are correct, unless things have vastly changed, it pretty much starts all over at the interview. Even if that has changed, from a mental standpoint, you have nothing to lose by giving the interview your best shot. It doesn’t help to think you won’t get in bc your stats are already too low.

@Roentgen, thanks.

@PinkPrincess2014, I’ll see if I can remember some more changes to the program as that was a quick list at the top of my head. I’ll go thru different parts of the BA/MD program and address the categories you mentioned and add on some other categories that I think will be relevant for those people who choose to enter in from high school. I was also an out-of-state student as well (I graduated in 2003, so like I said before, there was no regional - but I wouldn’t have qualified anyways). This might take me a week or two to write, so give me some time.

As far as Obamacare, I think it’s pretty well known and has been acknowledged by reputable sources that physicians will be making less money overall than they do now, and will have to see more patients - many of them newly insured but with insurance plans that don’t pay as much. The system has gotten so huge that healthcare costs which is paid for by private health insurance, Medicare, and Medicaid is overwhelming the overall federal budget. Any time the govt. enters a particular sector or profession, it usually means there is more red tape and bureaucracy and people in the system who do the work (doctors) make less money. Obamacare will also give the green light for Physician Assistants and Nurse Practitioners to do much more and give more care to patients than physicians do, especially in primary care.

So by the time you would be practicing, it will be very different than people practicing now who have gotten to do very well financially. All the more reason you need to see whether going to medical school is the correct option for you and you can’t just base it on your parents being doctors, so u think you’ll enjoy it, or bc you think you’ll get rich. I did many volunteering activities during high school that were medically related but it was nothing in giving a real view of what medicine is truly like, which you’ll see briefly in Year 1 and 2, but esp. in the last 4 years.

UMKC Match Lists from 2003 to 2014

2003: <a href=“”>;/a&gt;

2004: <a href=“”>;/a&gt;

2005: <a href=“”>;/a&gt;

2006: <a href=“”>;/a&gt;

2007: <a href=“”>;/a&gt;

2008: <a href=“”>;/a&gt;

2009: <a href=“”>;/a&gt;

2010: <a href=“”>;/a&gt;

2011: <a href=“”>;/a&gt;

2012: <a href=“Match 2012 : Office of Student Affairs : UMKC School of Medicine”>;/a&gt;

2013: <a href=“”>;/a&gt;

2014: <a href=“”>;/a&gt;

So has anyone received emails confirming interviews from UMKC yet? Their official time line was changed, and UMKC is now distrI buying interviews throughout December and January. Before, the sight was more specific, saying Decemeber 15th until the end of December for early deadline applicants.

When I applied last year, my email confirmation came after the 18th of December. My guess is that they will still send out interview requests sometime in the last half of December.

So nervous!!!

Thanks @UMKCRoosMD, I appreciate you doing that. Do you know anything about their science GPA requirement when you’re in the BA/MD program? Has it always been like this, if not, why did they start it? I don’t see anything similar in other combined programs.

@PinkPrincess2014 Well, when I graduated from the program, there was no science GPA requirement. Probably why the program wasn’t as stressful for me bc I didn’t have to obsess about grades. I could study bc I wanted to learn instead of worrying that my science GPA wasn’t enough. We only had a cumulative GPA which we had to maintain which included undergraduate Arts and Sciences courses to buffer your overall GPA which was really easy to achieve.

They started the Science GPA requirement for incoming Year 1s in Fall 2000 so I was just starting Year 4 of the program then. I believe it started bc our medical school had a history of students not doing well on USMLE Step 1 and the class ahead of mine failed it the first time in huge numbers, which looks really bad on the school, so they instituted a 3.0 Science GPA in the first 2 years in order to promote. Then so many people extended in the program bc of that requirement that they then lowered it to 2.8 and it’s remained at that number ever since. I think now however, they have made it to where you have to maintain a 2.8 Science GPA in all science coursework from Years 1-4, so not just in undergraduate science classes but also in the medical school basic science classes which aren’t as easy to get As in.

Your only undergraduate science classes you take now in the program are these:
CHEM 211 & 211L - General Chemistry I & Lab
CHEM 212 & 212L - General Chemistry II & Lab
CHEM 320 & 320L - Elementary Organic Chemistry & Lab
LS-MCRB 121 & 121L - Microbiology & Micro Lab
LS-ANAT 119 & 119L - Anatomy & Anatomy Lab
BIO 202 - Cell Biology (wasn’t a requirement for us)
BIO 206 - Genetics (wasn’t a requirement for us)

I highly recommend taking Organic Chemistry in the Spring Semester of Year 1 so the only science you have in the first summer is Cell Bio. Really you can sign up for the undergrad science courses earlier if you want (unless things have changed), but you just have to have them finished by a certain point in the curriculum in order to promote and it’s easier to take these classes in a 16 week full semester than in 8 weeks.

Needless to say the science GPA seems to serve more as a way to extend and/or weed out students, than probably actually being helpful in a lot of cases.

@UMKCRoosMD‌ I am applying to the program as a freshman college student. I have taken Bio and Chem at the college I am currently at. Would I need to retake these courses if I were to get into the program?