UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

Any one that got an interview care to share stats?

@PinkPrincess2014 – Great find with the 6 article links that you posted and pasted. In reading thru them, I think they are really informative on several different areas about the BA/MD program by addressing the positives of the program, that are well known, but also the real negatives which don’t get talked about as much out loud, but are really very important to students when it comes to making important decisions about these programs. Everyone should read these articles and keep it in the back of their mind if they get accepted.

There are several points in those articles that were mentioned that looking back I would wholeheartedly agree with and remember during my time there, and those reporters have no real reason to make things up.

When you’re evaluating BS/MD programs, don’t just go with a program bc it saves you 2 years. In the long run, 2 years is nothing, although I realize in high school it can feel like a long time. I’ve known people who finished normal college early and came in with a lot of college credit then went to med school, who also created their own type of 6 year program - so time shouldn’t be a major factor in your decision. Look at the other aspects of UMKC’s program and see if you can accept the positives and the negatives with the education you receive there.

Did anyone hear from them today? I m getting really anxious.

No. It will be 1/30. Finger crossed.

Congratulations to everyone who got interviews for UMKC’s BA/MD program. Maybe if people wanted to, they can post their stats and ECs so that future applicants can see the average of what it takes to get an interview. It pretty much starts over at this point in terms of getting an acceptance.

I still haven’t received an update about my umkc decision. As I said in an earlier post, I was put on the waiting list several weeks ago. Any information on this?

@hythoom, I would just call on Monday to confirm what your status is. In theory, all interviews should have been distributed so if you were on the waitlist you would have been called if someone else turned down an interview, since there is a probably a deadline that all people who get an interview in the first place must tell UMKC that they’re accepting the interview.

@hythoom, my son received the interview invitation on Dec28, 2014 and was given until Jan. 9 to accept or decline the interview. The dates for all interviews are the same: 2/23-26. You should check your UMKC account to see your status, There should be “INTERVIEW” on the manual bar if you have been invited.

@hythoom, I meant “Menu” bar.

Does anyone know if they still have in-state tuition for Johnson County residents?

Turns out I am still on a waiting list. I will know in a week of their decision.

I was accepted for a UMKC interview! I posted my entire resume on this thread some time ago (last probably a month ago). Currently looking through the thread for interview tips, please let me know if anyone has information. Would it be worthwhile to take interview classes?

Congrats @hythoom!! Was rooting for you! I would find out from others what the interview is now like — whether it is MMI only, or a mix of MMI and a traditional interview, etc. There are books out there on the MMI itself that was mentioned a few posts ago. Whatever you do, don’t just go in cold. That’s the stupidest thing you can do for an interview much less a medical school interview. I think interview classes are more for traditional interview which based on what people have said they don’t do. The only exception is if you have some nervousness issues, then practicing – (it can be with anyone) will be helpful.

@Roentgen Thanks for your info on interview classes. I have already set up interview practice with a teacher. Thanks!

Can someone give me an overview of the BS/MD program. I get the general gist but I don’t know everything I want to know yet.

@brendauo101, I would start with the UMKC med school website and this thread if you’re looking for an overview. Do u have specific questions about the program as that might help narrow it down a bit.

@Roentgen‌ specifically I want to know if the program (and all the bs/md programs) is centered around only med school or if you can do med school in conjunction with something else. I also was interested in the process of application when should start etc.

Thanks! All help is greatly appreciated

@brendauo, ok so each BS/MD or BA/MD program works differently. There are many across the United States and new ones popping up all the time. Some are more early assurance type programs where you are given the acceptance after you apply in your sophomore year of college, rather than at the end of high school.

UMKC’s BA/MD program is centered mainly around the medical school. You do an undergraduate degree but you are limited to specific majors (Liberal Arts, Biology, Chemistry, Psychology, etc.) and these are usually the BA degree in order to be able to fit it in the program. A lot of the medical school courses you take in the program count toward the UMKC undergraduate degree.

Other programs at other medical schools tend to have you do only undergrad courses for 2-3 years,and then you join a class of traditional medical students where you do medical school classes.

Sorry, @brendauo101, I had the wrong tag, please see above.

@Roentgen‌ no problem! Thanks for your help