UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

I’m an out of state senior applying to the B.A. / M.D. program at UMKC
and was wondering if you can judge my stats and tell me if I would be able to get in. :slight_smile:
Scores/ GPA
GPA: 3.8/4.15
SAT Score: 2180 Math 800 Writing 750 Reading 650
AP Bio- 4
AP Chem- 3
AP Lang- 4
AP Euro- 4
AP Calc BC – 4 (AB Subscore 5)

Senior Year Classes:
AP Gov
AP Lit
AP Stats
Advanced Photography
Currently taking Microeconomics and Calculus Based Physics at Community College
Macroeconomics and Anthropology during Spring Semester and local Community College

Community Service
University Hospital (120 hours)
Discovery Science Center (100 hours)
Working Wardrobes- Also Secretary
National Honors Society- (150)
Community Senior Center
Local Library

Summer Programs
University Premed Summer Program
University Stem Cell Research Program

Internships/ Shadowing
Intern at Univerisity Stem cell Research Center/ currently conducting research with Stem Cells
Shadows pediatricians at Autism and Neurodevelopment Center

Clubs/ Activities/ Sports
South Asian Student Association- President
Working Wardrobes- Secretary
Varsity Basketball, 2 year captain
National History Day- VP, two year state finalist

Honors/ Awards
Presidential Service Award
Basketball – Coach’s Award, MVP Defense
AP Scholar Award

Letters of Rec:
AP Chemistry and AP Biology Teacher
APUSH teacher (knows me since freshman year through National History Day)
Varsity Coach (to speak more on my qualities as a hard worker)
Researcher I am working with

Your help would be much appreciated :slight_smile: I am done with the essays, and will submit it after I receive my October SAT score, but it would be great to get an idea of where I stand :slight_smile:

@kumari, does your high school not rank you at all? Not even Top 5%, Top 10%, etc.?

Based on looking at your CV, I think it is very strong, and would be enough to receive an interview at UMKC even if you are in the out-of-state pool, where the competition would be stiffest to get in, just due to the number of eventual accepted matriculants from out-of-state.

Just to let you know, at least for the online supplemental application, I don’t think they ask for your AP scores, so that won’t be seen by the committee for interview selection. Your submission of your essays on the UMKC online supplemental application has nothing to do with your SAT score report that comes from The College Board which comes separately. So you can submit your essays, and do what you need to do with your SAT score report (score choice, etc.) (Step 2: Submit Transcripts & Test Scores)

Thank you @Roentgen :slight_smile: I am unsure if our school ranks, I should ask my counselor. Thank you for letting me know about the essays! I will submit that in soon, then just wait for my SATs.


Usually, your class rank would be something that is printed somewhere on your official high school transcript that is sent to colleges, so if you have an unofficial copy of your actual transcript (which you can always ask for/pay for from your registrar) it should be there, assuming your school actually does class rank. The job of the school registrar is to maintain student records and to mail official transcripts.

Based on what Watang has said here:, it may very well be a moot point on my part, as it looks like the Council on Selection may no longer be looking at high school class rank to screen applicants, which is a little weird to me since so many high schools have different GPA systems, to where an A can = 6.0, or a 5.0, etc. for Pre-AP/Honors/AP/IB classes that tend to be weighted.

I guess in theory, to avoid that mess, they could only look at unweighted GPA to where it’s all one system (A = 4), but that has inherent flaws as well (someone who takes harder, more challenging courses has a lower unweighted GPA than someone who takes all on-level, regular courses and has a 4.0). It’s not mentioned officially on the website to confirm:, although they do list high school GPA (which usually goes hand-in-hand w/class rank). I think this is a relatively new development for UMKC’s med school this application cycle, if I’m not mistaken.

Just make sure you meet the above requirements regarding your application, transcripts, test scores, and reference forms. ALL of these need to be SUBMITTED by October 15. Looking at the SAT calendar:, it looks like your SAT score from the October 3rd date, won’t come out for you to see online until October 22, which is already past the Early Notification Deadline (although before the regular deadline of November 1).

Just submitted my supplemental application! I’m assuming the next time I hear from UMKC will be for the interview notification?

@Watang, first you will probably receive confirmation from the main university that you were accepted (as you filled out an online application to the University), as that needs to happen in order for your supplemental application to go forward. Once that has happened (don’t worry, the standards aren’t really too high there, trust me), after that you will receive confirmation of whether or not you got a BA/MD invite to interview from the medical school.

I would print out confirmation for your records from the online supplemental application that it’s been submitted. I would also confirm receipt of your high school transcript, ACT/SAT score report, and reference forms, as well by UMKC. You can either nicely and politely email or phone call confirming that they have everything there to complete your file.

I will be submitting tomorrow evening. By the way, when they mean the deadline is Thursday, does it mean it can be turned in on Thursday too, or only through Wednesday? I know you underlined this before, but to confirm, LORs just need to be requested by this point right, or also turned in?

@watang suggest first check if the UG application status is complete online. My D submitted app & HS transcript on 10/4 and ordered ACT on 10/2. Though it shows it received HS Tx on 10/5 but still it shows ACT not received and also UCB Tx pending for 10 days. I called them y’day and spoke to some one and it appears some IT system issue and ACT reports are not uploaded. Also I left a msg for some one else as suggested by the first person and have not got a call till now. UMKC wants all college tx also in order to make the app complete. Because some schools have dual agreement with local community college, it is another drag in the process and it shows pending though we ordered that also on 10/4.

@AtticusFinch, when they mean the deadline is October 15th, that means that it can be submitted anytime on the 15th, which would be Thursday this week. So pretty much you would have until the end of the day on October 15th (so up until 11:59 pm on the 15th) to submit it. That being said, please, for the love of God, don’t wait until then. The application or server can go down with too much traffic of everyone submitting at once, etc. Submit it on the 14th, so that if by some unforseen circumstance, the application goes down, you still have the next day to click submit.

If I’m reading it correctly on the website, they want to have all materials on that date:[ul]
[]the General Application for admission to UMKC
]the BA/MD supplemental application
[]High School transcript
]ACT/SAT score report
[li]Reference forms completed from at least 3 people. (Click that “Send Email Request” button for all your letter writers BEFORE you submit your entire BA/MD supplemental application)[/ul][/li]So they want a complete application file on that date. That being said, is that realistic to where everyone who submits that day, will have a 100% complete application file on October 15th? Yeah, probably not. Some applicants will be waiting on a straggling letter writer here and there who still needs to fill out the online reference form, others will be waiting for UMKC to still receive their ACT/SAT score report even though it was ordered weeks in advance, etc. Things happen.

So make sure that you’ve done everything you can on your end: both applications submitted by the deadline, went to your registrar already and had them mail a transcript (if you procrastinated on this, have them 1 day Fed-Ex - which you’ll probably have to pay extra for - of course), have your ACT/SAT score report paid to be mailed off. Get in contact with your letter writers to have them fill out relatively soon that online reference form sent to their email. The deadline is the 15th, but in all reality, UMKC is probably not even going to start going and printing app materials until Monday. That being said, part of being an adult is meeting deadlines so in terms of everything that is in your hands (outside of the reference forms), submit those by that deadline if not earlier.

@Roentgen I have already been accepted for general admission and have been confirmed that my ACT and GPA have been forwarded to the SOM

@Watang, ok, so since you’ve already been accepted for general admission to the main University, and they already have your transcript, test scores, (and I’m assuming those reference forms also), the next time you hear from them should be with regards to the BA/MD interview, which for Early Notification is in December.

@Roentgen Yes, I just checked on the UMKC site and it looks like they have received all the documents required (thankfully on time)! Will check on teachers by the end of the day.

What does it mean if my high school transcript is in progress? Everything else is completed but that.

@kate22, it probably means it’s still being processed in some way by the main UMKC admissions system, assuming they’ve received it, as your high school transcript and ACT/SAT scores) are supposed to be snail mailed to the main Volker campus on Rockhill Road, not the medical school campus on Holmes Road:

Tomorrow check with your school registrar, that your high school transcript was mailed to UMKC, and I would call the Office of Admissions to confirm that they did indeed receive your transcript. Their number can be found here: If you get the runaround, just say that you need it confirmed today, since the 15th is the last day for the Early Notification deadline.

@Roentgen I submitted this morning! Called UMKC to confirm, it seem like everything has been received by the respective parties. Now the wait begins…

By the way, can you tell more about yourself? I know you mentioned something, but I think it’s buried deep in the thread… When did you attend the program? Just wondering! :slight_smile:

@AtticusFinchh, yup, now is the wait. Don’t get too excited on the first correspondence you get from UMKC in terms of whether or not it’s for an interview. It will most likely be an acceptance to the main UMKC undergrad, which is on the Volker campus. Once you’re accepted by the undergrad, your application then automatically continues on to the medical school.

So I’ve said this previously in the thread (but you’re right, it’s buried deep) but I attended the 6 year BA/MD program from 2003-2009, then applied for and matched into the residency specialty of Anesthesiology in my last year of medical school.

@Roentgen Cool, that awesome! I’m shadowing in surgery this afternoon! (I shadow in different departments every week) Hopefully it’ll be enjoyable…

I’m a regional student that submitted my application yesterday, and now I’m a little nervous. Would someone judge my stats and estimate my chance of get in please?
ACT: 26 (Eng 20, Math 35, Reading 18, Science 29) (Came to US 3.5 years ago with no previous English knowledge if that explains my low ACT score)
GPA: 4.2

Class Rank: 2/500

AP Exams(15 Exams by the end of Senior year):
Freshman: Chinese(5)
Sophomore: Stat(5)
Junior: Chem(5), Bio(4), Calc BC (5), US Gov(4), Human Geography(5)

Senior: English Lit, Psyc, Phys 1, Phys 2, Phys C Mech (self study), Physics C E&M (self study), Micro Eco(self study), Macro Eco (self study)

several local math competition awards
several local violin competition awards

won school ping pong tournament this year

Section leader of Orchestra (4yr.)

Science club Asteroid project group leader

Symphony Orchestra (4yr)
Chamber Orchestra (senior)
Math Club (4yr)
National Honors Society (Senior)
HOSA (Senior)

Science Club (Senior)

Health Experience:
DNA research (around 360 hours during sophomore year summer break)
Liver disease research (350 hours, conducted both cell culture and rat dissection)
Job-shadowed doctor for one day during HOSA activity

My mother was a oncologist in China for 20 years, so I learned a lot from her during every-day conversation

Job Experience:
Worked at a Chinese Restaurant for 1 year, and helped training new workers.

I think you have a good chance to get an interview. Although your ACT score is lower, I do see your explanation for why that is so. Hopefully you were able to fit that explantation into your application, otherwise the committee has no way of knowing why your score was low.

Your unweighted GPA might be helpful in better understanding your grades in perspective.

APs look great, remember that they don’t really care about the score until after you get in though.

Although you have done lots of research (something UMKC is not very, very well known for), how long have you really spent in a hospital (besides shadowing for a day)? I think that is one of your weak points. Yes, you have shadowed, but I would really try to get more of that in if you can so you could at least tell about it during the interview since doing research does not directly correlate to who well of a clinician you may be, something that UMKC is interested in more about.

Even though you came to the US, 3.5 years ago, why did you join all of the science related clubs/HOSA your senior year? Just wondering…not saying that it is a bad thing.

Do have a really good explanation for the ACT though? I know they might not ask during the interview, but 18 on Reading or 20 on English is definitely a little hard to ignore. I mean you still had 3.5 years to prepare…A med. student and a doctor must be very, very competent in expressing him/herself and analyzing complex, deep texts (and you don’t have much English APs to back that claim up with).

This is just my two cents, I know @Roentgen probably has more things to say than me!


Overall, I agree with @AtticusFinchh, I think you do have a chance of getting an interview to the program.

Your grades are great. Obviously you did very well academically in high school over your 3 years so far to be ranked very high in your class.

I agree, your ACT score is a little bit on the lower end (English and Reading really brought it down as you probably saw), especially for a regional applicant (the competition for regional will be higher than in-state but probably lower than out-of-state just based on the number of available spots in the matriculating class), but I’ve also seen students in the program with ACT scores as low as 24, so it doesn’t rule you out completely. I honestly don’t know how deep they go into the subscores, versus the overall composite score. The Writing Section of the ACT/SAT is not looked at.

Unlike the more competitive Bachelor/MD programs on the spectrum, UMKC Med does not tend to overly emphasize standardized test scores (ACT/SAT) as heavily, and also does not ask for any SAT subject exams to be completed either.

As @AtticusFinchh mentioned, your AP scores won’t be seen (On the current application, UMKC doesn’t even ask for your AP scores until after you get in) – although if you do make it into the program, having credit for 1 year of Gen Chem + Labs, Calc BC (for Math), US Govt (for Missouri Constitution credit), and Psychology (if you decide to take it) will help in all of the degree plans. At UMKC, for the BA/MD options: AP Biology, AP English Literature, AP Physics B/C are relatively useless and won’t really give you credit for anything that is applicable.

The only other weakness I can see in your application is not as much healthcare shadowing (especially physician shadowing) in the United States. It looks like you did 1 day of physician shadowing, and shadowed your mother who was a physician in the healthcare system in China, which is different that the U.S. UMKC really emphasizes healthcare volunteering and ECs, because they want to make sure you know what you’re getting into, not only by entering a BS/MD program after high school, but a program in which the clinical exposure is deeply intertwined even starting at Year 1 (making it different than the other Bachelor/MD programs, where the first 2-4 years is undergrad only) - and the best way of showing that comfortability is having been in that healthcare setting during high school, although it doesn’t have to be all 100% physician shadowing.

UMKC tends to not emphasize research as much with applicants (students do it anyways of course, because UMKC is not the only Bachelor/MD they are applying to), because the med school’s research infrastructure (both in basic science and clinical research) is relatively weak overall compared to other medical schools. So I don’t think your research, although very impressive in number of hours, will swing things either one way or the other. If they still have the traditional interview format incorporated in, you can talk about your liver disease research and how it ties into your interest in clinical medicine which is very easy to talk about.

That being said, if you are offered an interview in December, it pretty much, for all intents and purposes, starts over at that point, so you don’t have to worry about your application then (not that it would be helpful to worry about it at that point anyways). When you receive an interview, it pretty much means, you met the qualifications, at least on paper, and now it’s time to meet you personally.